new hornet

It's a thing called "hype". The person selling that polyp should get beaten with a 10lb live rock. Tht picture is so jacked up it's not even funny. Real shame to the hobby. It's nothing more than a zoa with a pink ring in it and green skirts.
i seen it on donavon reef for like 100 bucks polypt.thats crazy.wasnt sure if it was new or what.too much for me id rather buy red hornet if ima spend that much
On my mobile so I can't see the names on charles 2 links so pls forgive. They look a lot like his second link with tons and tons of actinic on them. Imo the wole zoa thing is crazY since the colors on almost all of them will morph from one tank to another. This being said if you take a photo every month of a new zoa for 3 mos you could see 3 different zoas? Are they new? I don't think so. But I sure do love to wonder sometimes what I'm gonna end up with!
Ok stop-

I thought it was only a TRUE hornet if it had the inner ring PLUS a double skirt that ALTERNATED colors. IMO if it doesn't have he skirt, it isn't a true hornet.
I think its pretty clear on this one... I mean we can bash this thread all day long like a fat kid at summer camp...But i just wanna know why people think and i qoute "just because it has a ring doesnt mean its a hornet" they have something new...

Like to see a pic of someone that "bought" this zoa and thier pic of it.. not just the "sellers pic"