Friday Night
New member
I saw that as well Mike looks like a black steel to me... but yet again the founder used the magic word..."hornet" = $$$
So what does everyone think about the so called "black hornets"?
Well I must have jinxed myself by comparing them to the size of a rasta because just like my rasta the polyp blew off the plug. I had it in a low flow area and went to bed with it on the plug and woke up with an empty plug. Now I have to decide it I want another when the seller puts them up on ebay.
just did a search for "hornet zoanthid" one ebay. It appears that we now have 2 new hornets. Pink Hornet's and now the elusive Chocolate Hornet.:hmm5:
:lmao:To me it looks like Timmothy Leary enhanced the pic.