New Innovations


Thanks for your great and valuable info. One thing that looks not clear to me is that you mention " I have some doubts as to whether this will be sufficient given the fairly extreme depth of the aquarium"; maybe I was not clear when I mention the dimmensions of my new tank: will have 38" per side and just 24"deep ; as you know, this deep is the standard in regular tanks. Maybe this could clearify more my idea and if I make the mistake, any addicional comments will be apreciated.

About the sump; Im not quite sure that Im gonna use one; I know all the difficulties that not to have one produce: all pumps, heaters, cables, etc. etc. that shows in the display, but my paranoia about " carpet floods" force me to have actually 2 tanks (one 65G and other 180G) without sumps. If I have one, I think the same as you about the turn ratio; not too high.

Sandbed another issue: I love to have 2-3"of very fine sand but right now, because of my 4 gemini pumps in my 180 the bottom looks more like the himalayas than a sea bed. As I can understand in your mail, I could use fine sand and dont have all the turbulences in the bottom; if thats correct, please let me know . . looks like Im aproaching where I want to go: nice display less caos . . .

I'll apreciate your comments. Thanks again for your time
Well, 24" deep does change things abit. Two 7400 might do the job just fine on their own. The Stream pumps are great for flow, they do not allow the attachment of any sort of quick filter or carbon basket like the 7000 series pumps do. It is also planned to make a fake live rock shell out of ceramic for mounting the stream inside a pile of rock and making it virtually unnoticable. The stream pump was really designed as part of a comprehensive program that will hopefully later include a book. The idea is to be able to exactly define what type of flow occurs where in the reef and the species that occur in these zones. It will take at least three years to write such a book as alot of research has to be done and the cooperation of numerous scientists and engineers is a prerequisite. I am going to see if I cannot get some of the prliminary research from Claude Hug the representitive from Tunze France and post it here. In general the Stream was designed to replicate the flow one would find in a reef trench or right on the reef slope, the area would likely be dominated by certain species of leathers and acroporas. It is also hoped that perhaps with the right supplements maintanance of crinoids and Sea Fans will become a reality with this pump. Some experiments are already underway along these lines.

The fine sand could be a problem as the Stream does not have a flow deflector, I could probably get the correct size PVC fittings from the factory though to make some sort of deflector, the Interzoo show also featured the pump attached to an elbow just to show the shear amount of flow that came up so i know it connects to PVC but I am assuming it was metric. I have had problems before with the sand getting in the impeller of the 7000 series pumps, fortunately all the Electronic pumps including the larger stream pump have an alarm that goes off when the impeller is obstructed, this prevents any permanent damage but could get annoying, perhaps consider a coarser grade, I really like the Knop reef base and the various pre bagged live sands on the market in terms of grain size, and cleanliness. My tank consists of a 3" blend of the two sands I mentioned. Even the 7400's are capable of digging a pit in the corners. This is from about 28" away and about 16" above the sand! Of coarse you can always speed up and slow down the pumps as needed and the Stream pump features a swival mount so you can change the direction side to side as needed.
Thank you very much again Roger for your comments. Was my mistake when I mention "Cube"when I had to say "square"(deep is much less that the sides).
This new design of pump is very interesting for all reefers because open a new way to do the things: more natural. Hope that you have the preliminary research of the book you mention and you could post some here.
I suppose you gonna be in the next MACNA, hope to meet you there. If thats the case, Are you gonna have there some pre-productions models to show?
I will be at MACNA. I was told I will have a Stream pump to show, it will be a working model however it is a bit crude it is the "hand made" version. While all the pumps are hand made for the most part- part of why they cost so much, this one is not going to be the same color as the final model and some of the castings will be less than perfect and of a different plastic because it is a prototype. With any luck someone their with a water connection and an aquarium will let me hook it up for demo purposes. My booth will pretty much be bare bones. I emailed Claude already but it is 7pm in France and it is Friday so he is probably out for the day. If possible I will post some more soon.
TUNZEÃ"šÃ‚® current: Division in zones of a corral reef aquarium and application of the different TurbelleÃ"šÃ‚® Transition zone Micro atolls reef roof external reef slope strandzone interior reef edge external reef edge Vorriffhang alga zone A B C D E F G

Level A strandzone/alga zone zone moderately and gently flowed except periods, where the wind can blow strongly. This sand zone is settled with algae and Anemonen. TUNZEÃ"šÃ‚® current: Turbelle stream synchronously in continuous operation or with controlled cycle switching by timer 7085

B transition zone/micro atolls zone moderately flowed, where the waves have a small influence. Ebb-tide and tide can be felt here. This zone meets the first Korallenformationen. TUNZEÃ"šÃ‚® current: Turbelle stream electronics with single CONTROLLER 7091 or multi-CONTROLLER 7094

C interior reef edge zone more strongly flowed with influence of tides however wave impact remains still small. This zone knows a strong lighting and a magnificent Korallenwachstum. TUNZEÃ"šÃ‚® current: Turbelle electronics with multi-CONTROLLER 7094 or Turbelle stream electronics with multi-CONTROLLER 7094

D reef roof zone strongly flowed with large influence of tides and wave impact. The growth of korallen is close. TUNZEÃ"šÃ‚® current: Turbelle electronics strongly dimensions 7094 with multi-CONTROLLERS

E external reef edge zone of the reef with the strongest current, the wave impact is intensively like that as the lighting. This zone is particularly for growth all Acropora, Favia, Porites Steinkorallen the very substantial grows, suitably. TUNZEÃ"šÃ‚® current: Turbelle electronics strongly dimensions and Turbelle stream electronics with multi-CONTROLLER 7094

F external reef slope zone very strongly flowed with wave impact and high lighting. The bio diversity and number of Steinkorallen are very high. TUNZEÃ"šÃ‚® current: Turbelle stream electronics strongly dimensions 7094 with multi-CONTROLLERS

G Vorriffhang deeper zone of the reef with parallel flowlines. This zone contains korallen with somewhat slower growth and plankton of corrosive kinds. TUNZEÃ"šÃ‚® current: Turbelle stream synchronously strongly dimensions
I was unable to upload the word document, email me offline at and I can forward the document to you. I did send the text portion as translated by babelfish.altavista.
OK, so I can't win. The jpgs are to big and the word files won't post. If someone knows something I don't let me know. Otherwise send an email to me and I can send you the files, they will be in German. I would not recommend requesting the files unless you have a high speed connection.
Hey Roger,

Any definitive word on the US debut of the Tunze Stream? My tank is in dire need of more flow as my two 2002s are just not cutting it with all the acro growth.
The Electronic pump 6100 is finished and should be available by the first week of November. The price will be $280.25. The availability of the Synchronous model 6080 is still not final for the US. Since it is of a different construction for US voltage and HZ we want to test it further. So far no problems have been found and it should follow soon behind- an oversize coil is being used however increasing the wattage to 25W. Price for this model will be $167.97. The flow kits TS24 and TS48 will be available on schedule, however the single control kit 6110 may be a little late in arrival.
If only you could see me jumping out of my skin on this end!! I have the multicontroller so the 6100 is exactly what I'm after. I realize you are now wholesale. Will you still be so kind to let me/us all know when they are available and through which retailer? And if there's a waiting list, I want on it!! Thanks.
Can you email me privately, availability will be limited this year. I will let you know the minute they show up and both Champion and Marine Depot will stock the product. If you live near the following vendors they will have it too- Aquarium Arts in Arizona, AquaTek in Texas, Preuss Animal House in Wisconsin. I cannot really reserve one for you but I can do everything I can to put you amongst the first to know and then you will have to contact the vendors.
I read in this post that will be an option that include two 6100 stream pump plus the 7094 multicontroler (is this the new one too?) for about $711.61 MSRP. Will be this system aviable at the same time than the pump (early november) and thru the same retailers?
Hi Roger,

How many gph will the largest Stream pump move? Is my understanding correct, that the Multicontroller 7094 will work on these units?

The larger model which produces 3170gph is controllable by a multicontroller- model 6100. Model 6080 is synchronous and can only be controlled with a timer at no more than 4 off and on cycles in 24hrs with at least 15 minutes between cycles- use with a wavemaker will cause impeller damage and such damage is not covered by warranty. This model produces 2100gph.
Hi Roger,

I'm also waiting on some new ballasts from Champion so I'm going to place a pre-order for the stream to make sure I have all my bases covered when the Stream finally arrives.

My glass tank has horizontal euro-bracing. The brace around the edges is two inches wide and a 1/2 inch thick. Do I need to also order a universal clamp or something else to mount the Tunze Stream like I needed to mount the 2002's?
If you have the multicontroller already you will need only the two stream pumps 6100. You have two options for mounting. One is kit 3000.244 which will suspend the bracket from the bracing with a bottom spacer of about 1.5". The other option is more involved but nicer looking. You will use accessory 3000.26 and a hacksaw to fahion an L bracket which will follow the bracing horizontally and then drop vertically to support the pump. Instructions are included with the kits. They are not too much about $3.50 for 3000.244 or $7.50 for 3000.26. For anyone else reading this, kit 3000.244 is required for intallation on most glass aquariums including Oceanic and All Glass. It includes longer screws to accomadate the heavy trim on US aquaria.

I just purchased two of your 6110 from Champion for a 700 gallon reef. It is not clear even after reading most or all of the posts here concerning the units that this will be sufficient flow. What are your thoughts? Do you anticipate the development of larger units in the future?

Thank you,

I do not own the new Tunze Stream pumps yet, but do have two Reeftec PE-2s and two Reeftec PE-1s in a 300g and it is decent circulation. For a 700g tank, I would want at LEAST four of the Tunze streams for average current and probably 6-8 for high flow. Just my opinion. I do plan on using 4 Tunze Streams in each of my twin 500g tanks being built this year.
