New Mantis Tank


New member
I just setup a 20g tank with sand in my room. I haven'y ever gottena mantis shrimp before, but I like them so much that I decided to get one. First of all, is the Peacock Mantis Shrimp a spearer or smasher? I've heard that its spearer, smasher and both. Please someone help me out here and would i be able to keep a small cleanup crew in the tank, lets say some small hermits?
It is a potent smasher that loves most members of clean-up crews. Occasionally people will refer to it as a spearer because, as the genus name implies, it is unusual for a smasher because it has short barbs on the inside of the dactyl. However, it usually preys on armored prey such as crabs, snails, hermits, other stomatopods, etc. That doesn't mean that it won't take soft prey (they love small octopus) and it certainly can stab when going up agains a "soft" target like your finger.

Thanks That helps alot, my dad currently has a business in Illinois, and he said he could send me some base rock. I don't have any Reef Light for this tank yet( I'm only 15 and have a small budget) but would it be better if I had LR other than BR? Anothing thing, I woke up this morning and there was whitye stuff on the inside of my tank, could this be becaquse the powerhead was too low in the tank and it was shotting sand around the tank? Thanks for your help.
Alright Gonodactylus , what i the difference between a Male O. Scallyrus and a female? I wan to know because I'm gonna name him/her when I get him/her.

Also, I'm gonna put 2 Green Chromis in there for testers, would he attack them, or would he not attack and as he grew he would become "Friends" with them.
Search this site for a threat that I started on stomatopod sex. It showes the penises of a male. That is the best way to be sure. Color is too unreliable although males tend to be greener.

Alright thanks Gono.

Also, could anyone tell me if Liverock or Baserock would be better? or would it not matter?
For you... Baserock because of the price. Sure liverock is live but thats it. the only different I see is that it has bacteria and the like. Base rock will become the same way and covered in coraline so it'll look the same. Just make sure the rock you get is porous and reef-safe. I got lavarock on accident so it isnt as good =( HTH
thanks, well my dad can give me Base rock 4 free :). he has his own business like is aid before, and he will supply me with base rock and my mantis shrimp thanks for your help.
No he currently does NOT have a fish store. He works on tank maintenence and give his customers fish, and may i say, he is very good at keeping his customers' tanks clean. I'm working with him over the summer, and he will show me a think or two(or 3) about keeping tanks clean and the best ways to do it. His business is called Wet to the Gills if you were sondering.


My dad said he'll get me my manti VERY soon, he hopes. anyways, I don't know much aout the feeding habits of a O.s. could someone fill me inn on good diets for them?