New Members and Introductions

I can see Ryan standing out in front of the store. "hi do you like saltwater aquariums?" to every costumer! :lolspin:

No way! It's more like "pssst...I got the good stuff at home, peep the website" I casually hand over an NVR card
shady.gif's not sketchy or anything hahaha
Lol i was getting intonmy car and ryan was parked next to me. As im opening the door he rolls his window down like "pssst" lol. Not sketchy at all.
new to nvr

new to nvr

My name is TJ, first club I have been a part of. Fairly new to the reef world, almost 3 years. I started with a 14gal bio cube which has been handed down to my Dad who is now into the reef world. I currently have a 55gal mixed reef, which is filled to the max, and ready for my next build out.
Welcome to the club! Awesome that your dad is into the hobby because of your hand me down. Make a build thread and post some pictures. We all love to see pics!
Lol i was getting intonmy car and ryan was parked next to me. As im opening the door he rolls his window down like "pssst" lol. Not sketchy at all.

I'm legit, guessing I should find a better unsketchy way to approach people hahahahaha. Nah seriously welcome Arron, any questions were all here for ya bud :) since you're starting fresh, ask plenty of questions now. It'll save a lot of heartache and moolah!

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Lol im just playin ryan. It was great meeting you. The people at pets choice in modesto and pet extreme in turlock had pretty good things to say about the club too. Ill probably start a new thread for my setup and ask a million questions there lol.
For sure man :) get that thread going! In my opinion a million questions asked is better then no questions asked in this hobby. Oh wow! Glad the other shops are given us props. That's way cool. Whoop whoop!! :D
Welcome TJ! It's nice to see another new member on the forum. Seems like you have a great load of experience being in the hobby for a few years. If you have questions about lighting or even the care of SPS you came to the right place. We have a wealth of knowledge from our seasoned reefers. If your dad has a computer have him join the festivites as well. The more the merrier!

We have a meeting coming up in February, you and your father are welcomed to stop on by. :) Again, welcome to NVR any questions or comments please feel free to PM at anytime.
I am really trying to find the balance with the mixed reef. I love zoes, and have a ton, have a few acros, acans, chalice, birdsnests, monties, etc. Went from all softies to the mixed has been a little challenging with the chem. of it. I am in the process of changing my fixture 36" coralife pro 250w 14k halide, with 2 65w pcs, to retro fit t-5s in the compact slots. Any advice? Also just started the Eco-bak product about 2 weeks ago, looks great so far, any experience?
Hey TJ, we're having an LED DIY workshop coming up (Feb meeting) I think this would be awesome to attend. I have a fixture almost like yours halide/pc combo that I may retro fit some LED Royal Blues as actinics. Remove the PC and replace with LEDs. It'll save tons in power and will last a lot longer than PCs.

We also have a great thread about Bio Pellets from our own local users. You may want to check it out for some awesome advice and discussion.

Here are the links to the meeting in Feb and BioPellets thread :D

Feb DIY LED meeting

NVR BioPellets Thread
Also thinking about LED. Might do reefbright all in one setup for one pc chamber to start, but cost is the big thing, I can get one to fit my 36" in the bay for $225, but I can do the T5 retro fit in both pc chambers for $160/w bulbs. Just need to do more research.
Hello reefers, my name is Chao and I'm from Stockton. I just converted from planted tanks to Saltwater. I still have a 30g fully planted tank. My Saltwater tank is a 55g with lots of rocks, live and dried! Some corals and fishes. I'm still new to the saltwater scene and I can say, "WOW I never knew there's still so much more to aquariums". This will be my first fish club in the hobby and I'm looking forward to it.

I think I took the I'm hooked.
Yup you're now hooked and before you get unhooked there is a LONG LONG path. But now you're one of us. Welcome to the club chao and post some pics of your tank
Here's a recent pic. The tank is currently going through a massive algae bloom stage. This tank was transfered from a mature 45g about 1 month ago, moved everything and add some more live rocks and dried up live rocks. My 45g went through the same thing and then suddenly the algaes just died off. Hopefully this one does the same. Any advices?

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Welcome Chao! There are many great people in the Stockton area that can help you out getting started. Please feel free to post questions here on our forum. We also have bi-monthly meetings that you may attend. We have a meeting coming up in Feb that may help you meet and greet some folks in your area. Welcome to NVR and your new addiction to saltwater :)
Hi Chao. Welcome to the club. We have a lot of people in and around the Stockton area. There is a lot of collective knowledge and experience to help you along the way. You might find that some people might want to tap into your knowledge on planted tanks :)

You should start a post for your tank(s) to post updates, photos, etc...

As far as your tank above, algae bloom in a new tank is normal. Using dried out rocks will usually make it worse unless you soaked them for a few months in RODI water to leach out all of the organics trapped inside. You have a LOT of rock in that tank. I think removing about half of it and building a more open structure will improve water flow and leave to less dead spots where detritus will be trapped.
hi all jeremy here im new to nvr i have ben in the hobby for about 5 years now im a phlebotomist at chw merced. I started with a 180g my father inlaw gave me and after trial and error things started to run smother ( thanks Garf ) so i then took on a 120 and then a 40g hex but with school and everything else i down sized to 29g jbj w/150hqi. Now im getting back into it my buddy gave me a 92g corner and i purchased a 120w evolution led fixture. i have a 1/2 hp chiller asm skimmer, At the moment i am resiloconing the tank. Also im setting up a 24x24 shallow tank and a 20g cube i hope to purchase a couple of led kits frome rapidled at the diy led get together in feb can't wait to meet everyone.