new pics of the garden

:lol: Ya, but that ugly sump does wonders!! At first I was like OMG where are the zoas, then I scrolled down. :sighofrelief: Thanks for the pics seapug!!
OMG, thank you much Seapug for posting new fts of your tank.
I love how your tank is 3-sided viewing.

My favorite side is the side where your zoa garden is :inlove:
And instead of counting sheep, it's where I pretend i'm sleeping when I have trouble falling asleep, lol.

A question:
Does the hose barb circled in your pic below have a metal fitting?

Wow you have so many different types of corals aside from your lovely zoanthid garden. I notice your creating a ricordia garden area too. That Ricordia area will be as stunning as your zoa garden I'm cure. :eek2:

I like to guess tank inhabitants now and again to see if my reef animal identification skills are improving. Do you have the following? There are a couple that I can't id.
cynarina from Mars
green star polyps
trachy or wellso
blastomussa (?)
echinopora (?)
echinophyllia (?)
bubble coral (?)

stylophora (?)
porites (?)
millipora (?)

zoanthids I bet you have 50 kinds there wow!
various mushrooms
toadstool leather that ate Pennsylvania
green toadstool
hand/finger leather

PS. Your sump is so clean!
wow. that's more of a cataloguing than I've ever done. You've pretty much got it all right except for the SPS. Just montiporas, Stylophora, Acros, and Seriatopora. No more bubble corals, though. I also picked up a rock with a couple of miniature carpet anemones this weekend. They are very small but really cool and colorful in a very cryptic way. I need to get some close up pics of them.

Yes, that is a metal clamp on the hose from the pump. It's on the outside and has been there for two years and barely shows any corrosion so I've let it be for now. It's in a spot where it usually stays dry and I can keep an eye on it. The sump is clean because there's not much room for junk to settle. Debris ends up getting sucked into the skimmer or phosban reactors, eaten by pods on the rocks or shot back into the display. Like I said, it's cramped!
Oh wow I got most of them right. More studying for me on the sps for sure. Now remember if you need a cataloging assistant at any time...i'm your man, so to speak lol.
You have some beautiful sps Seapug.

I love your peninsula rockscaping. That same peninsula style is what I am going for in my future tank. Did you look for certain shaped pieces of rock and simply stack it, or did you drill or use any cable ties, etc? It's so nicely done.

Also, what fish do you have. I know you have a purple tang, because they're my favorite and I always look for them. But looks like you have a blenny maybe? And what others?
Do you also have a clam?

A couple of miniature carpets? Wow, I'd love to see any close up photos you do take of these cryptically colored nems.

Do any of your inverts or fish go into the lovely zoa cave Seapug? And have you ever taken a photo of one of your inverts in there? That would be the coolest photo. :D

Hose fitting. Gotcha. Cool, I almost didn't ask because you are so very thorough.

Now about zoas, just a couple more questions;
What zoas or palys are your fastest growers?
Your slowest growers?
Are there any zoas or palys that you gave up on trying to keep because they just kept failing to live, no matter what you did?
How is the little bright pink zoa colony that I love doing this evening?

Thanks for taking the time to answer all these questions, you must be busy and I appreciate it so much.
I picked out a couple of the rocks but most were luck of the draw. I had a store bring me a load when they first filled the tank.

Fish...hmmm. There's a lot. It's way overloaded by most standards but the fish have a variety of habitats and everyone eats, gets along reasonably well and has their own place to sleep. I've had some jumpers but never had a fish "die" in the tank.
There's the Purple Tang (the boss)
A tiny Fathead Anthias (the "new" guy)
Yellow Damsel (bastard, gonna get taken out someday)
Royal Gramma (the "Royal Grandma" lives in a cave under the GSP)
Flame Hawk (shrimp killer, thinks he's cool)
Male Psychedelic Mandarin (pellet and mysis eater-- going on 2 years)
Starry Blenny (a dork)
Tailspot Blenny (cute as a button)
Wheeler's Watchman Goby (lives under the Zoas)
Tiny Red Neon Eviota (had it almost 1.5 years. I thought it had passed its natural lifespan, but just saw him the other day hanging out in a hole in the rocks. Looks fine!)

The mini carpet nems are cool. At least I think they are.

There is a blue crocea embedded in a rock between the Orange Cap and the Gree Leptoseris (forgot to mention that SPS). Starting to get a little concerned because it's getting shaded by the growth of the surrounding corals, but it's firmly attached and been there for 1.5 years.

The yellow damsel has a cave dug out under the overhang but the Tang gives him the boot whenever he wants to chill in the cave. The starry blenny takes dumps in there, too (just to make the damsel mad I think). The wheelers watchman lives underneath the zoas.

Fastest growing Zoa/palys-- the ugly gray/brown hitchhiker invaders, followed by the army green/orange centered ones. Gorilla Nipples or something like that....
Slowest growers-- the red ones you like and the bright yellows with the orange centers.
Ones I've given up on? None, but almost given up on the Blues and purples. I have a few in there but they tend to get overgrown my everything else.
Your favorite ones are there. I still need to move 'em out and give them some room.

Thanks again....
Great going with those rocks.

Oh yeah now I can see where the little crocea is lodged under in between there, he's so pretty. Boy if he had more space and grew that would be the perfect place for him, his blue mantle color would look great splayed out in that area.

Royal Grandma (lol), purple tang and yellow damsel know where the cool places are. *wink* they rock. I'll just not thinkg about it when I'm trying to fall asleep, that the one fish uses it for his bathroom facilities.

Wow a Psychedelic Mandarin that you've gotten to pellets and mysis? For two years? Outstanding, that's impressive because I read how hard those are to keep fed right.
How cute, the Red Eviota is still there!

I love the army green/orange centered zoas or GNs. Cool that they grow fast for you, they give that side of the tank a great look, I love the peach color in the middle.
It figures the two faves of mine, the pink (yes, the yellow are my 2nd fave) are the slowest growers in your tank. It'll be good to see how those beautiful pink ones do when they get some more room.
I like your blues and purples alot, and yeah I noticed those are more like where one can see them pop up between things now and again, like little gems. They're shy I guess and they don't want to spread out just yet like the others. :)

Look forward to seeing your nems, and also to hearing how it goes with your vodka dosing.
.6 ml of Smirnoff Triple distilled this morning. Nothing noticeable so far. Based on what I've read it typically takes about 3-4 weeks to see results.
Oh I see, I thought it took days. Well 4 weeks isn't too long really.
I'll look forward to hearing how it worked. I'm also watching the Cal, Mag, Ph and Alkalinity thread in this section. Good info from you all in that thread. It's great I needed to learn more about it so that thread comes at a good time.
Your Zoa carpet is outstanding.

I've been considering a Phosban Reactor for a while, reading this thread and looking at your Zoa growth has convinced me that getting one is the way to go.
The RevHtree needs to show his zoanthids too. *hint hint*
Seapug I don't know why I didn't notice this before but your purple palys are really taking off. lol, Wow.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13388570#post13388570 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by IridescentLily
Hi Seapug,
How are things this week with your zoanthids?
Also, I've been meaning to ask, what are the small zoanthid colony on the bottom left of your fts photo? They're the smaller zoa polyps which have dark skirts and bright pink centers.
I would like to know more about those zoas in particular because they were quite literally the first thing to catch my eye on this forum, and hence are responsible for reeling me into this reefkeeping hobby I'll have you know. ;)
What is your experience with them, how they are kept, and what is their temperament as opposed to the other lovely zoanthids that you maintain?
Thanks much.

I dont know if anyone else has answered this but if you're refering to the pink & brown zoos on the BOTTOM RIGHT in the first picture those are called "Pink Panthers" and can be found on or

I grabbed a 5 polyp frag from an online retailer and I gotta say they are one of my best growers. Went from 5 polyps to 20 polyps litetrally in a months time.
egdevilboy thanks. Wow, your the 3rd person to let me know the name. This is good to know. I plan to add these to my future tank for sure. I'd like those to have the honor of gbeing the first coral in my first reef tank. That kind are like neon pink aren't they. And the dark skirts make that pink color pop even more. So pretty.