New Plastic holder 0851.420.S ??


Premium Member
Hi Roger, is this a new mount for the Classic Turbelles? Does it replace the metal versions that I currently use? I have the double style metal C brackets for 4 Turbelle Classics so they can be mounted on horizontal tank frame. I'd be thrilled to see non-rusting plastic versions.

Holder f.TS TurbelleÃ"šÃ‚®
$US 14,99
for TurbelleÃ"šÃ‚® centrifugal pump
No, that piece is an antique, I have a couple but it is used to attach a Turbelle 2002 or 4002 or even older 801 and 1001 to the mechanical filter 851 of the System filter kits. It brackets the pump across the two fiberglass rails of the System filter.
Thanks, I had never seen it before and thought (hoped) it was an upgrade to the SS ones. I downloaded the catalogue and see that the current metal holders, unit 102.41, are a dark color compared to mine. Are they a new metal, or coated with something to make them more resistant to corrosion? Regardless of the instructions to keep the brackets above the water line, they corrode and the salt creep has a lovely rust color to it. Love to have something better.
The 102.41 is Stainless Steel, it is the best option because the weight of the pumps combined with UV exposure from halides makes plastic unreliable. You could try painting them with some rust converter and then painting them with an epoxy based paint but beyond aesthetics they corrode slowly and only superficially like most stainless and this is greatly reduced if they are either completely emersed or submersed. Partial submersion create an electrolytic reaction and accelerates the corrosion. I know the 2002 and 4002 could be improved but when I mention improving it they see it as modernizing a dinosaur, one that lives even though it comes up to be canceled just about every year but the sales are still strong enough to keep it going. When you consider that pump was released to the market almost 30 years ago, it has been around an awfully long time, and no one sees it as worthy of further development, in some ways I have to agree, the expense of developing new parts is not as well spent their as in other places.
Thanks for that info, full immersion might be an option, though not a good one for the pumps themselves! :D These pumps are indeed dinosaurs and each year I'm surprised to see them still for sale. But, they are still my primary circulation pumps on my 120 simply because they are not big hulking pumps in a relatively small tank and I can have a couple of them on the front. I also have found that I maintain them less often than I have to clean my streams (now in my basement system) though the maintenance procedure is a much bigger pain. The only other drawback, besides not having the stream flow, is the audible hum resonating down the tank stand as they switch back and forth on the multicontroller.

Its been said before, but if they're going to tackle an update to this Jurassic relic, they need to create the first external stream! I believe that somehow it can be done, like a mini outboard engine with the prop protected by a cage. Can't wait for it, but not holding my breath.
Somebody has already built such a pump it actually was out before the Stream. ATK has a pump called the Black Jet, they are really really big though. I think the biggest one does about 6000 gallons per hour. They cost almost $900. The intake and output are so large on such a pump that it just isn't practical, you gain nothing in aesthetics.