New razor caulerpa not doing well


New member
I just planted some new razor in my refug 3 days ago (3616 with Miracle Mud and about 1500 gph flow through it, and 24 hr lights that came with the refug). The tank has been cycling for 4 weeks and params are good, ready for fish. I pulled the ball of razor into 5 pieces and wrapped each piece in small pieces of LR and burried the LR as an anchor, leaving half above the surface. The tips of the algae turned white and now most of it is looking ratty, like it will fall apart soon. I think it must have been physically injured by shipping and my planting. Also the flow is quite high.
I suppose there could be a 50% die off and what is left will do well.
Also planted was Chaetomorpha which looks the same as when I planted it.
This picture was taken the day it was planted. The razor is all in the left side of the refug. The Chaeto is seen on the right.
Any thoughts?
Sometimes the fronds dont make it and they just fall apart. If the rhyzome, the long horizontal twig like part, that the fronds and roots come off of, is OK, I would think in a week, you should have good growth. Do you have 1500 GPH in you plant tank? If so I would say cut it way back. You just want a real gentle flow. What lights are on it? If you have no Caulerpa make it I have 5 types in my sump, and could give you some good live starts. Where in FL are you located? And what type of lights do you have? I use Home Depots Lights of America 65 watt compact florescent floodlight. 29 dollars and good light. Very bright white light. The closer the light is to the water, the better growth. Keep us informed, and if you have die-off, I can get you going again. Steve in Sarasota.
Hi Steve,
I would like to take you up on some of your macroalgae.
A larger start amount should get me going quicker.
How can we arrange this.
I'm in Boca Raton.

What kind of lighting do you have? It seems dimly lit. Perhaps it is just the photo. In my experience C. serrulata (razor caulerpa) is one of the most likely to go sexual.

eyedoc, I agree with Kevin, it looks kind of dim. What kind of lights are you using? PM me and I will mail you some large macro algae starts. I gave away some at Thanksgiving (thats what happens when you have reefing relatives), and I plan on pulling out some next week. PM me with your address and I will get back with you. Steve. PS my email is not working at the moment.
Get some fish in there,

I'm no expert but I have found that caulerpa and other types of algae (especially red) tend to do poorly when not provided with adaquate nutrients. I was having problems with two types of red kelp and my C. Romosa before I started doing "food storms", which was basically highly overfeeding to create large amounts of nutrients. Now I'm getting good growth and great red coloration from my kelps. hth
