new ritteri

You don't want to cook the seafood it. I feed my gig either fresh raw shrimp, salmon or scallops. Also recommend wild caught seafood and not farm raised.

TY for that... Is it ok to freeze it for future use? I hope so!
And I think I'll get a clam to use it's shell as a smooth surface to bridge that area for the foot to attach in that area.
*For my non attached area what I'm goign to do is try to find a small piece of flat smooth rock to wedge in there to get foot to attach.

I'd always recommend making this kind of arrangements ahead of placing a magnifica in a tank but that comes with experience, understanding what magnificas need.
Other than providing it with a flat/shelf rock under strong light and strong current I wouldn't do much. Let it settle in. Your anemone is good size, not totally bleached out. Feeding it would be the last thing on my mind if I were in your shoes.
I got a mag two months ago and haven't fed it a thing. I gave it a flat rock directly under light and it's doing okay.
Not pretty, but this setup closely resembles how they like it.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Not pretty, but this setup closely resembles how they like it.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cute, like a flower for real lol. It looks bleached? So they need flow, but not a lot, that one in vid has really gentle flow and medium light it looks like (?).

The comment on mine not being totally bleached. I just dont think mine is at all. I might be wrong, but orion already said it looked good, he would have talked about bad color.

Mine gets pretty good somewhat chaotic flow and I'm going to guess 250 par. I read they like 300-500. But I have to say mine looks as good as other I've seen that are healthy. So i'll feed it the little eraser sized pieces every few days I think orion said. And just take care of it. I'll probably gently wedge a flat rock piece in there to fix the non attachment area.

Ty for all the comments and suggestions. I'm just really happy right now about how it's doing.
The comment on mine not being totally bleached. I just dont think mine is at all. I might be wrong, but orion already said it looked good, he would have talked about bad color.

Precisely my point. It doesn't look horrible so what's the motivation to feed it before it finds a happy spot. It's a good looking mag.
good point. And I guess it may be moving, so I'll watch it over the next time frame.. Though it's within a few inches of where it's been since the 3rd day -- which isnt far from where I first put it. II'd have to bet it actually has foudn its spot. But again maybe not since that foot is lifted up.
I'm going to put a shell there which I think is a good fit for the 'dip' the foot is over. And go from there, and minimal food if any.
TY on the compliment.. It actually looks even better in person.

Precisely my point. It doesn't look horrible so what's the motivation to feed it before it finds a happy spot. It's a good looking mag.
It looks bleached?
It is completely bleached and due to that pretty much on its way out right now. At this point, it would probably require a miracle or an act of god to safe it...

So they need flow, but not a lot, that one in vid has really gentle flow and medium light it looks like (?).


Mine gets pretty good somewhat chaotic flow and I'm going to guess 250 par. I read they like 300-500. But I have to say mine looks as good as other I've seen that are healthy. So i'll feed it the little eraser sized pieces every few days I think orion said. And just take care of it. I'll probably gently wedge a flat rock piece in there to fix the non attachment area.

From where they are found in the reef they should want medium to very strong flow but as laminar as possible. From what I have seen, turbulent (chaotic) flow is something they don't like. The flow in the video is actually quite strong but directed down and against the front so that the anemone gets the steady return flow.

I would also think that they need a fair amount of light, just not as much as giganteas.
OK so this is the one that you've been trying to save.
I'm also thinking a rule of thumb is that if it's looking healthy and staying put , if it looks full and good overall over a period of time in one spot, then those conditions are likely making it happy. Whether it's getting more turbulent compared to laminar, if it looks happy then the conditions are probably ok. << which is how mine is. I have to take that 7 day vid...Tomorrow I will (8 day).

It is completely bleached and due to that pretty much on its way out right now. At this point, it would probably require a miracle or an act of god to safe it...

From where they are found in the reef they should want medium to very strong flow but as laminar as possible. From what I have seen, turbulent (chaotic) flow is something they don't like. The flow in the video is actually quite strong but directed down and against the front so that the anemone gets the steady return flow.

I would also think that they need a fair amount of light, just not as much as giganteas.
UPDATE pics. It's been almost 7 months now. here's updated pics. nem loves being on the wall of the overflow. I noticed it seems to be the flow changes that causes it to move. For instance when I had to have a pump off a few days later it was moving literally back and forth along the wall. WHen flow is stable and nem finds the spot he stays. I need to get a better flow pattern like on nem itself as the one now makes it look more flat. This one likes more moderate/kinda intense back alternating (at least to some extent) flow.
But he seems to be growing. He (it!) loves food. I feed it and finger tip size of frozen fish food chunk (meaty) or small clam.
Side note .. the percs are a pair -- gotten separately last fall. They had their first and only next seveal weeks ago. That nest was at the edge of the tentacles, not at the nem base. It was awkward. Apparently they dont like to lay eggs on acrylc. The closest rock wasnt too close, but thats all they had. I'll make a tower of rock up the base for them to make a better nest sometime.

TY again for all those that helped me with my questions etc ESP Orion and ThR


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everyone is too jealous to comment :-D

Haha I'll bite. Looks great! Welcome to the mag keepers club! I'd say after 7 months as long as you don't do anything dumb you are on the way to having that bad boy for life!

My old gal has been with me 5 years now. Once stable I have never had an issue with mine. Hasn't left the same rock even.
TY Nemmy and Orion
I really am proud of 'him' esp since my past failures with others. He seems to continue to grow, I hope not split, as I'm pretty sure that means stress. I will probably get better flow on him again, though that means another 'walk'. He looks amazing (which likely mean happiness also) when he gets slight more direct intense flow, where the tentacles are always going back and forth during the day.

Hopefully one day I'll get an even bigger tank without that huge overflow -- it just gets in the way of the entire mid tank. With an overflow as big as mine, it really is the only place for him to be happy and not be touching the front acrylic.

**How do gigantes compare in difficulty vs ritteri?
I find that Gigantea are much less likely to walk. Once establish they are really hardy but don’t ship as easy as Magnifica. You should be able to keep Gigantea without much problem. Make sure you are ready to treat them with antibiotic on arrival. Most if not all will need treatment initially.
You will like Gigantea. They are sooooo beautiful
I might consider one sometime. I'll have to make sure I have enough space. I know they need a lot of light, but are they as light loving as the ritteri? If I can keep close to bottom it woudl be nice, the bottom of my tank does get mostly 250 par last I read it.
I'll read up more on them before I make that move. They don't get as large as ritteri, right?

**Orion, now that my ritteri is getting bigger, I been feeding hijm larger amounts, for instance a small clam (clam shell about 1" in diamater) 3 x a week , alternate that with frozen meaty fish food. What do you think? He always takes in food very well.
If you like his size as is, then I would stop feeding him. If you want him larger then keep on feeding. Also if your anemone have a tendency to divide, feeding him will help him divide.
It is really up to you. Not feeding them, they just don't grow as fast, but will not get unhealthy on you.
. . .

From where they are found in the reef they should want medium to very strong flow but as laminar as possible. From what I have seen, turbulent (chaotic) flow is something they don't like. The flow in the video is actually quite strong but directed down and against the front so that the anemone gets the steady return flow.

. . .

I just wanted to say thank you for this comment. I have had an H. Mag for almost 20 years. I sold my first, gave my second to the Norwalk Aquarium recently when it got too big for my tank, sadly lost my 3rd because of a torn foot, and now I'm on my 4th. I put it on a plate in high flow which was a trick that worked for me before, but this time the anemone kept moving down the rock work. I read your comment, let the anemone climb off the plate onto live rock, changed the flow so it got mostly linear flow and turned it in that direction, and voila it has stayed put and seems very content. I think you are on to something plus it makes perfect sense that the anemone wants to hang in linear flow so food is blown directly into it rather than swirling around.

Anyways, just wanted to say thank you for that piece of insight.

And, of course, congrats to CT for his success with his 'nem :thumbsup:

Don't take the flow requirements for magnifica instantly like it's law. For some reason some like flow and some don't. Mine has sat in a low laminar flow area for 5 years. Just enough to lightly sway the tentacles. Give it any more flow and it will move a bit on its rock to dodge it.

So if you have issues with walking try both low flow and high flow. Anemones are weird. Long tentacled magnifica seem to love the flow. Stubby tentacle ones like it low. I see magnificas look long and wavy and short and stubby but both 100% happy.
the bigger the better :) . A foot diameter would be nice :-D . though hmm, mine is about 10-11" now when fully opened. Sometimes it 'condenses' to less wavy tentacles and a diameter of closer 8". It never has any deflations (thank God). and knock on wood! I reallllly do not want it to split. That most often happens when they are more 'upset', right?

Really nice looking tank, and nice spot you got your ritteri on.

I guess my flow is 'laminar' but flows back and forth, it isnt really chaotic. But mine will move if there isnt really good at least medium flow on it. Any changes in flow will make it change position.
the bigger the better :) . A foot diameter would be nice :-D . though hmm, mine is about 10-11" now when fully opened. Sometimes it 'condenses' to less wavy tentacles and a diameter of closer 8". It never has any deflations (thank God). and knock on wood! I reallllly do not want it to split. That most often happens when they are more 'upset', right?

Really nice looking tank, and nice spot you got your ritteri on.

I guess my flow is 'laminar' but flows back and forth, it isnt really chaotic. But mine will move if there isnt really good at least medium flow on it. Any changes in flow will make it change position.

They can split and not be upset. But it's true MOST splits are stress induced. Some magnifica never split some do. But with magnifica it's much more rare than a BTA. Like MUCH more rare.

You will probably see a stress induced spawn before you see a split.