I had my last reef tank back in 1995. Things have changed :hmm5: I am all about the :reading: but I am stumped. I bought a Red Sea Reefer 750 XXL (210 Gal) and started it up on 10/2. I took chem readings on 10/6 and AM, NI, NA, were all zero. I added two captive breed clowns on 10/5. They are still doing fine. I did another test today (10/12) and everything is still zero'd out. I have 60 Lbs. of sand, 65 Lbs. of live rock, and 90 Lbs. of Life Rock. I added Turbo 900 Beneficial Bacteria when I added the clowns. I have not started the protein skimmer yet. Based on the treads I have read I can't figure out what to wait for now. Input would be most appreciated.