New Saltwater Tank


New member
I had my last reef tank back in 1995. Things have changed :hmm5: I am all about the :reading: but I am stumped. I bought a Red Sea Reefer 750 XXL (210 Gal) and started it up on 10/2. I took chem readings on 10/6 and AM, NI, NA, were all zero. I added two captive breed clowns on 10/5. They are still doing fine. I did another test today (10/12) and everything is still zero'd out. I have 60 Lbs. of sand, 65 Lbs. of live rock, and 90 Lbs. of Life Rock. I added Turbo 900 Beneficial Bacteria when I added the clowns. I have not started the protein skimmer yet. Based on the treads I have read I can't figure out what to wait for now. Input would be most appreciated.
What is it you are expecting?
When starting with live rock (that has been sourced locally and kept wet) there typically isn't a cycle as the rock had sufficient bacteria on it to quickly process ammonia,etc...

Cycling is the process of building up a sufficient bacterial colony.. When you buy live rock you are buying rock loaded with bacteria already..