New shots with Macro lense


New member
Here are some more shots with my new Canon macro lense.

Blonde Naso Tang


Powder Blue being cleaned


Watermelon Mouth Ricordia


Another Ricordia shot


This shot is kinda blurry but looked cool. I think it is my exposure rate. The tank lights were all on all 1,300 watts, but still looked dark.

Very Nice

Very Nice

very nice pics what macro lens are you using? and what camera? i just bought an eos 5d and my pics are no where near your quality


I have so much to learn yet. I just turn the dial to soemthing different and take shots. Some turn out some don't.

Thanks for the nice comments.

JGoslee the numbers are as follows for the first shot of the Naso tang:
Shooting Mode Aperature - priority AE
TV (shutter Speed) 1/30
AV ( aperature value) 5.6
Exposure Compensation 0
ISO speed 800
Focal Length 100.0 MM
White Balance Mode Shade

Howcome the camera is a Canon XTi, and the lense is a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 macro. Thanks for the comments, and just keep practicing. I am a million miles away from taking great shots like some of the other people on this site. :rollface:
I did actually play with the color a little on that last shot. Just experimenting with the program. The actual photo did not turn out, it was basically black. I hit the auto fix button on the Zoombrowser EX and then palyed with the RGB settings some. I am also pleased with the way that one turned out. It is actually a closer resembelance of the picture before it.
Thanks everyone. I look forward to the weekend when I have more time to play with the new camera and lense!!