NEW store in El PASO? Closed STORE?

awe i thought you would appreciate the steffen pose, not the weird angle gut shot, its really not that bad i hope, cuz then we will compare whos gut is bigger. haha. i asked him about the bowing also, at least its even on both sides, he should of used thicker acrylic.
I do appreciate the Steffen pose but you have to have one hand on your junk and the other one with the thumbs up to get the full benefit from it!!! I might have gotten the short and fat genes but my charm makes up for it! :)

Steffen Sparks
I thought this was the Steffen signature pose. LOL!


I still got it!!! :)

Steffen Sparks
deehz, just as a heads up, in no way was I saying I told you so or not my problem by saying people should have stayed on top of Dennis about their products. When a person has to keep calling and or going back in to find out where their $2000.00 skimmer is or their $410.00 MP 40 is or say maybe their $1000.00 light is and they keep getting the run around then I feel like they need to step up and take care of business by either making sure they get their products or making sure to get their $$$$ back.

It will be a great thing if Dennis does the right thing and takes care of the people he stuck it to, just don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen.

He was and is a very dishonest person and I hope he is never in a position to do this sort of thing to people again.

If you feel the need for people to read all about it here and be informed so as not to allow it to happen again, then so be it and I really hope it can help others out in a way to be sure to watch out for people like Dennis and make sure not to let them get over on them.
It will be a great thing if Dennis does the right thing and takes care of the people he stuck it to, just don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen.
If you feel the need for people to read all about it here and be informed so as not to allow it to happen again, then so be it and I really hope it can help others out in a way to be sure to watch out for people like Dennis and make sure not to let them get over on them.
John--the latter is what I was after for. I was sick when I went on my tangent and in no way was I trying to attack you or anyone else for that matter. If it came of as such, my sincerest apologies. I honestly feel that matters like this should be discussed because some our very own members were affected by him.

I agree with you, if I had money or expecting product from him, then I would have been at his home slamming on his door demanding my money back with a cop just in case I did cause him anymore back problems. But, many members in our club are not like you and I and several others that would be at his door step and not taking no for an answer--we could be that voice for them. That's why I feel that it deserves to be mentioned here so that members and non understand who they were dealing with--a snake.
I thought this was the Steffen signature pose. LOL!

He was releasing his inner "Derek Zoolander", "I'm not an ambi-turner. It's a problem I had since I was a baby. I can't turn left." "Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?!" :lol2:
I also have to talk about Dennis, remember John what I told you about what I thought what kind of person he was, that's why since the beginnig I distance myself from him, I seen him online on this forum just a few days ago, also let's not forget that Ben helped him (Dennis) with the store and also helped him sell all the high end chalices in another site, maybe he can get in touch with Dennis so he can take care of all the people that are waiting for their stuff, it's a shame, I talked to Jimmy from Sea Creatures and he told me that there's people calling him trying to find Dennis. He's he on Facebook or any other place? His phone numbers don't work anymore? It's very easy to find him if he's on any of those sites.
Arnie--Good to have you back!!! you have been missed as well.

Dennis is on facebook. I think Steffen and Pedro have him as friends. Maybe they can provide an email that is listed on his facebook account? Or reach him via facebook? I deleted him after many attempts to try to reach him to do right for his customers. All I can say is he is a SNAKE.

I hope he does the right thing by giving the money that he owes back to these innocent people. Hell, he has their money and the money he made off the sale of the store. If not, we already know he has no spine and has forked tongue, he would be wise to move out of Texas before others find him. What an @sshole Dennis is or is that to nice?!
I found him on twitter, last post 4 days ago.

Also I found Ben on another site, he posted yesterday at 12:58 pm, so this guys are still active on the web and haven't had a chance to comment on this matter?
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Arnie!! Good to have you back!! you have been missed as well. I hope you can be at the meeting at TCR so i can finally meet you.

Well from doing a little bit research on the net, Dennis is now in North Carolina. So from the looks of things, he ran off with peoples money. I saw his Facebook page and read that his "current city" was in fact in North Carolina. Or is he lying like he always has. These can be changed at will w/in Facebook. Nevertheless, he is on Facebook and belongs to a club here in EP (?):

Either way, those that were affected by him can look up his public records online by typing his name and paying a small monetary fee to get access to these records: email, phone, address, etc. Everything is current. And in this day and age of technology, no one can hide, not even Sasquatch.
Is their a reward been offered for the capture of dennis? I got plenty of time. to hunt him down for you guys. :uzi: Lol
I found him on twitter, last post 4 days ago.

Also I found Ben on another site, he posted yesterday at 12:58 pm, so this guys are still active on the web and haven't had a chance to comment on this matter?

Thanks for your concern about my comings and goings on the reef boards. Do you really have nothing better to do than check on my status? Hey man don't drag me into your personal dislike and bashing of Dennis. And please don't talk crap about things you know nothing about. Those chalices you say I helped Dennis sale were mine to sale not his. It has been years since you and I have spoken so don't pretent to know what is going on. As far as what Dennis owes people that is his deal and not mine. I know Dennis has been going through alot of crap and no that doesnt excuse not communicating with people. If and when I talk to him I will advise him to communicate with the people he owes something to.

Hey Arnie was that a good enough reply for you? Do you need something more from me? If not please let me post in peace...
I had a word with Dennis and he seemed really sincere about getting my bulbs back to me. Again they were in but "I" was unable to get to elp before his surgery to pick them up.

See everyone sunday!
I tried to edit my post but I guess it was too late to do so. I know Dennis may owe some of you guys stuff and If I speak with him I will ask him to contact you guys. I apologize for my previous post which I wrote hastily once I read what Arnie wrote. Arnie and I have some history and my dislike for him clouds my judgement sometimes. Lol. Anyways I will do what I can to get a hold of Dennis for you guys.

First of all I don't know where you get the idea that you and me have history LOL like you say!! I don't care about u and the hatred is mutual.

I was going to post a response to your childish comments but this thread concerns about people that are owed things from Dennis, I gave your name because you worked with Dennis at the store, nothing more nothing less, if u have more questions or concerns please pm so I can give u my phone # and we can get together and discuss about it.
No need for PM's man. I admit my response concerning you was uncalled for and I own up to it. Just like you I should have taken it to PM's. I just wish you would make sure to post facts and not speculation on your part. To say that I worked with Dennis at the store is misleading at best and to say I helped him sell his chalices is an outright lie. All that being said I hope that everybody that is owed something is contacted and any wrongs are righted.
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Dennis closed his store. If you had pending orders I would expect the money is gone. It sucks but itg fairly common business practice from what I have seen. A friend of mine paid for her wedding to be catered by johnny carionos in las cruces. The day of her wedding (no catering) and an out of business sign posted at the restaurant.

I dont know if Dennis is a shady business man or not. I never had compliants. He donated a nice light fixture to the tank at NMSU, and I felt he did good at giving exposure to both the local reef clubs aswell as hosting a couple of meetings.

Dennis invested a lot of time and money into his store and I am sure he did not close it as some kind of get rich scheme. Please if you personally lost out on his store closing then post here and maybe other club members can do what they can to come to the rescue.
Hello Guy,

I went to check out Aquarium Concept and I've got to say that is a very impressive store, Luis and Sandy (owners) are very friendly and prices are good.