NEW store in El PASO? Closed STORE?

Of course we did Jay, The prices were very reasonable.

Jay you had said that your wife liked the fire fish, well AC has a bunch of purple fire fish at the cost of regular fire fish.
Erick, thanks will check those out! I really wanted to get over there yesterday or today but this is the final weekend to get all this homework done for school! Trying to finish so I can at least attend the meeting tomorrow!

i didnt buy anything, i told them not to let me, haha.
Good idea Pedro!!

That is great, I have a new place to "stop by on the way home from work". I can never get back to the east side back in time to catch Jimmy open.
Alright, after reading this I am gonna comment one time on here and if you have anything to say go to PM or blast like you like to do. I owe 3 people things on here. They know who they are Andy, Horracio, and Chuy... That is it. I have already talked to 2 of them about their products and that is being handled. Horracio I am gonna have to get with.

Hans, I am not trying to hide from anyone. I have the same number and for you to be talking crap is crazy. I have always giving you good deals and even held your corals when your tank was broken..

It took me a long time on a few people's things but I either got them their product or gave them a refund....

I have no problem with any of y'all except for one and he knows ho he is.... If you need to contact me shoot me a PM. As for the raffle I sent out the other donation to the police and as for the club I never got a full count on tickets from Coral Reef and Sea Creatures to give out the final amount. Justin please call me. you and strayvoltage and Jay have my number. I did this for the club and have no problem with that. As for me being on here I have not been on this site in a long time , Arnie you are wrong to say I was on here. Unless my wife was on here that i did not know of.

I was going through my pics and found this. It shows the excitement of kids in a candy store.
Made it out to the Aquarium Concept last night and met Luis.

The store is pretty awesome. Those acrylic tanks he made are impressive. His prices are very good too.

I picked up a yellow tang and another clown to go with the one I currently have.

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Ok so I was driving down Mesa today and noticed that Charlies store was open so I decided to stop by.


here is Charlie and his new baby! te store looks good, it is currently open, so go check it out whenever you have a chance.

hey denis when u get a chance call me to let me know where i could get my 30lb of rock u owe me since u don't call
Oh wow!! Am i surprised that yet another person owed other than the three admitted by Dennis pops up? No!!! Dennis there were no tickets sold by anyone except for you. If you were going to split the total of the ticket sales between the police shop with a cop and the club then how did you already donate to the shop with a cop if you didn't have a total? I still think you have some explaining to do and I am sure it will never happen.

In my opinion you are a sneaky dishonest person and I am honestly glad you are gone out of business and can no longer take advantage of (screw) the people who trusted you and came to you to shop. I would really like to see you come here and post and prove me and all the others that really know how you are wrong. At least that way the people that you did take advantage of would be taken care of.

Some may find this harsh but it is my honest opinion.
Well 6 months later and Dennis still haven't paid me a single dime or ordered any of the stuff that I paid him for. He kept on making promises that he couldn't or never intended to keep. On the surface he is a nice guy but I don't know how you can outright tell lies that you don't intend to keep. I have bugged him for months off line, so I am going to cut my losses now. Anyways, whomever took over his store, the gigantea anemone in the display tank, the picassos, and the rods clowns are mine since he was suppose to ship those to me. He owes me a bunch of other stuff too, the list is too long to post.
have to chime in as well, the new owner of that shouldnt have to give you anything IMO. your deal is with dennis. sorry, im sure the new owner has his own beef with dennis.
File a law suit against him!!!! But you have 5-6 others in front of you already! lol

Steffen Sparks