New store in Miami

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New member
I stopped by Extreme Aquariums on SW 8th Street today. While they weren't open officially, they let us in to check out the progress. The store is going to be amazing. It looks like it is going to be the opposite of what we all hate in a store. Their tanks are all at eye level so you don't kill yourself bending down to see. They have a complete invert room. The fish that they had so far were amazing and at the prices that they had were impossible to pass up. I cannot wait for this store to be complete. It will definitely have me making the trip from North Miami Beach at least weekly if not more. They are supposed to get several Australian boxes of corals by Friday and a big Hawaiian shipment at some point this week to allow for their grand opening soon.
SW 8th and Palmetto

I will swing by after work verify but heard of a soft opening this weekend and grand opening at a later date.
ravedood: 7461 SW 8th ST.

creepin: it is already on our store locator with google maps link (in the first stickied post on this forum).
I've stopped by and the place is coming along nice.
Invert room/rock/salt and freshwater/and a very nice lomg tank plus coral display.
They are not having the soft opening this weekend but will allow to look around and but what you like, not fully stocked but very nice fish. I may post some pictures later.
I went all the way down there and it was closed today. There was even a sign that said not to knock. VERRY disappointing :-(
Yea I saw that too.
I asked about it and I was told the reason was due to alot of interuptions during the day. I guess they want to open soon and they are getting down to business. They wont turn you away if you call, Thats what I did. They seem real nice I doubt theyll mind if you knock.
The place was closed when i went there, but i did peek through the glass. It doesnt look like they had anything yet really, but it looks promising. The place is pretty nice sized, and they had some nice large tanks, ao i am assuming that they will stock up nicely, or at least i hope.
Not to going to be open to the public?????

Not to going to be open to the public?????

I called the phone number for Xtreme Aquarium off of the LFS finder and was told they are not going to be open to the public and are going to run the store as a wholesale store. I havent been by there yet but Ive been reading on here that they would be opening to the public soon and would be having a Grand Opening. what the heck??? All this talk about a Big Als to the south and a big nothing.

:thumbdown :thumbdown

I know cubano is not involved any longer in the store but who is the owner now?
I cant believe that no one has chimed in...?? Does anyone know whats going on with this store if they are going to be wholesale only?? Bueller, Bueller..
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