New tank pictures 90 days after set up

U ever figure out a what was causing burnt tips years ago?? Your tank is my inspiration I'm going through that right now
in my case it was impurities in my tap water. I ran into a couple months ago again just for a week or so when my ro membrane failed. Have also seen lo ph and high alk cause the same kind of thing. check you RO water, ALK Ca and see if you might be getting som PH swings at night.
What's up with another update =). I didn't see that last video of the last update until now.. All I can say is wow. Love the system especially the dt and the lagoon great job on making your tank one of a kind . I Seem to randomly check the thread out every 6 months so if you could do me a favor and move your updates closer together I'd appreciate it j/k lol.

LOL will try to do better. Tank has been through a lot lately. Phosphates got very high for a while. .880 PPM was where it peaked. Starting vodka dosing about 6 weeks ago and Po is dropping . Corals are going nuts. Will do a big update soon.

WOW! Don't know how I missed this one. Very nice corals and set-up, would love to get such growth myself.
Ya I be always loved his tank the center pieces staghorn just awesome I'm going to check my ro I do get slight ph swings from day to night it does dip down into 7.9 because I dose vinegar and all use a calcium reactor
Well Dave I always saw your majestic and emperor Angels and I added them to my sps display. Have you had any problem with them nipping or eating corals. I have all acros a few war coral colonies and a handful of high end chalices. I feed them 4 times a day but seems like someone is chewing on some pink boobies trying to get some milk or something. Do you have any chalices?
Well Dave I always saw your majestic and emperor Angels and I added them to my sps display. Have you had any problem with them nipping or eating corals. I have all acros a few war coral colonies and a handful of high end chalices. I feed them 4 times a day but seems like someone is chewing on some pink boobies trying to get some milk or something. Do you have any chalices?
Yes, I have chalices and several other soft fleshy corals. I always make sure to mention that I keep them separate in my sumps because the angels eat anything soft or fleshy. There are several entries on this thread discussing their voracious appetite for any coral that has substantial meat on the bones. Angels are reef safe but certainly not lagoon safe.
Looks like things are doing great Dave! Are you running any gfo or only vodka??


Just Vodka Bryan. While phosphates are still falling, I am still having some issues in the main tank with a coral that has been very stressed since the light switch. I have frags of it but most of the main colony succumbed over the weekend to a pathogen, probably bacteria that spread from the center of the coral and moved through the coral pretty fast. It looked like the same pathogen that moved through my stag about 4 months or so ago. It started on a stressed coral and I seldom kills the entire coral but it devastated the inner part and it spreads to any coral it touches. It has spread to a couple of corals that were all grown around the stressed coral. A Blue and a purple Efflo. I expc the healthy corals to fight it off but it has taken out about half of the German Blue since yesterday. The Efflo has only suffered in the area where it was actually growing over the German Blue. One of the issues with letting the corals get so thick is that bacteria and pests that travel through contact can spread effectively. Once something gets started about all you can do is thin them out a bit, concentrate on water quality and allow the corals natural defences to pull them through.
Could the issue be Brown Jelly Disease?? I've had two friends deal with this as of lately and one that brought a doctor in to examine the jelly. His conclusion was a temp swing in his tank caused the jelly bacteria to form and then wipe out all of his Acro''s over time. He said that once the jelly touched the Acro it was all over within a few days, the colony would be gone. All of his corals at first seem to brown out and STN slowly and then like clock-work it would RTN within a day or two. He was dealing with this for a while actually and finally his corals subdued to the issue and he is starting from fresh. From what both parties said is that you must completely remove the Acro and fragging doesn't save the coral. The frags would also RTN at the same time as the colony would even if it was in a separate tank. If it spreads it will eventually kill the Acro's it touches from their experience. Now, this is all what I've been told by two store owners that have been in the hobby for much longer then I have and one having an actual doctor come in and inspect the bacteria..So no one kill me if I'm wrong I'm just passing on others experience's.

This tank is redic! Has this tank ever been TOTM? Assuming it hasn't already won it 4 times over by now
Could the issue be Brown Jelly Disease?? I've had two friends deal with this as of lately and one that brought a doctor in to examine the jelly. His conclusion was a temp swing in his tank caused the jelly bacteria to form and then wipe out all of his Acro''s over time. He said that once the jelly touched the Acro it was all over within a few days, the colony would be gone. All of his corals at first seem to brown out and STN slowly and then like clock-work it would RTN within a day or two. He was dealing with this for a while actually and finally his corals subdued to the issue and he is starting from fresh. From what both parties said is that you must completely remove the Acro and fragging doesn't save the coral. The frags would also RTN at the same time as the colony would even if it was in a separate tank. If it spreads it will eventually kill the Acro's it touches from their experience. Now, this is all what I've been told by two store owners that have been in the hobby for much longer then I have and one having an actual doctor come in and inspect the bacteria..So no one kill me if I'm wrong I'm just passing on others experience's.


Sounds like the same stuff. I have seen it before. I find it seldom kills the entire coral, Most healthy corals loose some flesh but some of it always survives. In my case there have been several stress factors. Mostly I have had extremely high phosphates for the last three months or so. I am seeing them drop now and the corals are mostly doing fine. This particular piece was also at the top of the reef and was getting blasted by an LED fixture that i had to keep at a higher intensity than the top corals liked . I did this to get enough light to an efflo half way down the rock. I am seeing the regression slow down on the german blue, the original tort is about gone except a couple of branches. They may pull through. I will document the recovery, we will see how it goes. I think just about any stress r series of stresses can allow this kind of thing to occur. If the stress is removed soon enough they often recover.