New Tunze 6055's Clicking Noise w/ Apex


New member
Hi All,

I decided to purchase two 6055's yesterday to replace my Koralias. After getting them and installed and setup and playing with the different modes on the Apex I noticed they when they are pulsing on and off from 0% to 100% there is a noticeable clicking noise, almost as bad as the Koralias clicking noise on startup. I have searched around and seen the mention of cleaning needed but these pumps are brand new.

Few Questions...

1. Is the clicking normal?
2. Is it okay to have these pumps pulse from 0% to 100% without wearing down the pump - or would it be better to go 30% to 100% rapidly.
3. Also when I bought my two pumps yesterday it looks like I go two versions. Each one had a different power supply, and once had blue rubber feet that attached to the magnet and the other attached directly to the magnet.

you can't go below 30% otherwise they don't operate and thats whats causing the clicking noise. change the variable speed profile to a min speed of 30% and your clicking will go away. As the model does sound like you got an older version for one of them. Did you buy them new or used?
I know you can't below 30% to say 20% or 10%. But I thought you could pulse on and off.

I purchased them new from a LFS.
anything below the 30% will cause the clicking and they won't pulse. Its almost like they are in feed mode where there is very slight movement just to scare the fish away from the prop. There's not much of a difference between the older version and newer version of the 6055's. The rubber mounts do reduce any vibration noise you may here which is the only thing I have noticed as I have owned the older model and now the newer version.
It sounds like you have pumps from two different times.

The silence clamp was introduced in late 2010, the new power supply was introduced in mid 2011 (in the US, earlier in Europe).

A model without the silence clamp will also lack the 6055.740 anti attenuation bushing which silences the clicking on start up. The clicking is more pronounced on both models for the first two weeks of use.

The only reason the power supply changed was to meet a new EU requirement for Phantom Loads, starting in 2010 when off all appliances must use less than 1W, the old power supply for a 6055 used 1.5-2W, the new one uses .25W.

Essentially one pump you have was made before Nov 2010, the other is from at least Mid 2011. There is no real difference in anything except the clamp and disk and likely the newer one has a blue propeller, this is only cosmetic though, the plastic is identical. The older one will click until the disk is replaced. If you send in the pump, I will change the disk and get you the new clamp at no charge. You can also change the disk yourself, but you will need a hook tool to extract the old 6025.740 that is presently in the pump. You can cycle a 6055 on and off, and besides being annoying the noise is not harmful to the pump, it is the sound of the impeller clapping against the bottom of the pump on start up. The type of controller used also plays a role in the noise as our controllers 7092 and 7095 ramp from 0-10% over a fraction of a second to ease the magnet down before jumping to the set speed. Basically, you can run from off to on and any speed 30-100%, speeds between 1-29% are not allowed, they can damage the pump long term. The 0-10% ramp is over a period of a tenth of a second so it is inconsequential.
Hi Roger,

Thank you very much for all the useful information.

I Don't have a problem sending the pump to you - actually I would rather send it to you than mess it up myself. I'll send you a PM.

Thanks again,
