New Website(s)?

I noticed a while back when I was looking for hours. Unfortunately the site doesn't list them. He does have that pic of a three-some on the main page, though. :)
Oh! I'm not saying Dave isn't full of detritus....

I'm just noticing it for the first time. I'm sure more content is forth coming. (Wink, Wink. Nudge, nudge. Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Say no more!)

Knowing Dave, I'm sure there are some truths revealed in his private message, as he laughs to himself. And although I'm not a Pharmacist, Doctor or Latin major (help me here neuroslicer!), I'm certain there's a fair degree of half-coded Shakespearian messages in here someplace, but I'll be dipped if I can figure them out entirely. Thus, Dave's private message remains his unique muse, unavailable to the less informed or unenlightened.

Either that, or Dave's just talkin' detritus!

You can glean something from this Partial translation, but most translators can't quite make out the unigue "Millennium Falcon" (strange dialect) that the test is conveyed from:

"Lorem itself pain he is amet consectetuer to come up to elit. Whole region equity volutpat but lacinia this , to make fit and diam. Upon this side habitasse street word. Consequently lamentation laughter this elit rutrum to add to a heap. Vestibulum person responsible eleifend nisl. Up to the time when is. Up to the time when good orci but lorem to lay eleifend. Whole itself mi feugiat euismod , to grow strong upon , annoyance upon , bow. Vestibulum and mi. Nulla easy. As yet fear now , word when , dust but , dust anyone nisl. But to set free pain pellentesque and , conveyance he is amet , to please but , how. Eneus some fellowship nisl. But or prefix meaning half-. To suspend might. Consequently hendrerit. Duis to make fit , fear he is amet feugiat rhoncus , in fact unseemly to grow strong lucky , upon crime if not laughter upon laughter. For wise. But anyone lion. Mauris when wise. Vestibulum tincidunt. When faucibus urna not unseemly. But to make fit. When person responsible. Curabitur and fear. With a ready but pede. Up to the time when this unseemly and not lorem always rutrum. With a ready hendrerit bibendum unseemly. Sickness some augue this nisl."
kinda off the website topic ...... but what happend to make fish smile? I can not pull up there website? Anyone have any luck with it?