No good deed goes unpunished. Why?


New member
I know some of you know I have been doing tons of reading and researching on saltwater aquaria keeping. With that being said, I know the basics. When it comes to fish species, I get the gist of which are aggressive, peaceful, prone to nip on corals, tank size requirements etc...

So this begs the question of certain folks ask about the "how can", "why can" and "can I" questions. I try to answer as honestly I know and yet this person insists on getting another' opinion?

It all started in another fish forum when this person asks if he can have a
Bi-Color Angel in his tank to help battle Majano algae in his reef tank. I told him Bi-Color is not reef safe/use with caution and wasn't sure if it does. A later post is when he tried to get his LFS owner to toss in his bi-color angel in one of his display tanks in the store to see if it would work. He pretty much insisted the lfs owner to do so he can see for himself. The LFS refused to do so.

I responded as it wasn't wise to insist on telling the LFS to do so. He then responded I was being rude.

Last night, he begs the question on if it's possible to have another clownfish or another pair in his tank of the same species. I told him that's not really advisable due to tank size and possible aggression with his current mated pair.

He wanted to know if he can house multiple clowns just like in the wild because his lfs had 20 or 30 clowns in a 20 gallon tank. I told him you cannot compare what you see in the wild to what can be done in a home aquarium. Most likely his lfs had juvenile clowns on display for sale. Now I know fully well that's unethical to house more than 1 pair of clownfish in a tank uless it's a very large tank in excess of 1000+ gallons or more.

He thanked me for my input but insisted on another person's opinion.

I responded that someone will agree with my statement. I'm sure he won't like the answer from another source and will attempt it regardless.

I'm to a point to tell this person do what you want. It's your tank,time, money and heartache.

Why are some people so dead on doing what they want when they won't take no for an answer - even if other chimes in in agreement with my statement? Sorry. I'm done ranting but I was trying to stop foolish people from making foolish mistakes and saving the poor clownfish (or other species) from needless harm from the dangerous, uninformed human animal - man who has little regard or knowledge in SW aquaria stock keeping.


No good deed goes unpunished.
I agree with your statements, a lot of times people have already made up their minds on what they want to do in terms of fish, filtration etc. and they are only looking for someone to validate their plan, Even if one person in ten does validate their plan.. they will go ahead and do it irrespective of what the other 9 people say.

Not to say that this person is like what I described, but there are plenty out there.
The sad truth of it is that there are some people who, rather than looking for helpful advice, are actually just trolling for confirmation that what they are doing, even if they think it is the wrong thing to do, is the right thing to do.

Did that make sense?

I've been involved with this hobby for well over 25 years now, and am still learning every day. I am also one who has no trouble mixing "old" technology with "new" to achieve my desired result. What works for me may or may not work for you - each system is unique - even if they are set up on the same day in the same room with the same equipment and livestock.

Certainly there are a number of things that we all (should) know that just won't work. Regardless, there will be someone who thinks they know better, despite volumes of evidense to the contrary, and will go ahead with their plan and then look for reasons when it fails that point to ANYWHERE other than in the mirror.

All we can do is offer what we know has worked for us in the past. If someone chooses to ignore that, they can do so. I, for one, wish them well.
So far two other people in the other fish site agrees with my statement. Now it will be interesting to hear his response will be.

I'm constantly learning everything about saltwater keeping and do have a question I need to post in proper forum though. Knowledge is power! LOL!
I agree with you. I remember when I started a few years ago I listened to the advice given. Today I have a successful tank due in large part to keeping an open mind. The people you are posting about do not keep an open mind. They are looking for the one person that says sure go ahead I did that no problems. It is getting to the point that I do not even want to respond to these types of threads anymore.
Always going to be idiots like that. They want what they want, and don't want to hear anything other than it's a good matter how bad the idea really is.
Well as a new person to the hobby I can honestly say that the helpful advice doesn't go unnoticed. I personally haven't even set up my tank yet partially due to needed equipment but more so that despite months of research I do not yet have the knowledge that I feel comfortable with. Don't stop posting due to idiots. There are hundred of us that relie on your input. I've had dozens of stocking ideas,filtration and lighting idea which have been debunked by this forum alone. It will save me hundreds of dollars and frustration. So thank you.
It is getting to the point that I do not even want to respond to these types of threads anymore.

90% of the time I don't bother if a couple of others have already said what I would say (unless I figure they need more responses for support). The other 10% of the time when no one has responded yet, I respond then immediately unsubscribe from the thread so I don't have to see it any more :lol:.
I wish I had known about this forum when I first got my first tank. I have made LOTS of mistakes, lost many beautiful creatures, because I just listened to what the aquarium stores told me. There is so much to learn, and I wish everybody who thinks about starting the hobby would spend a lot time researching what it takes to be successful. It's definitely not intuitive...

in the same vein, I also discourage people from dog ownership - many people want a dog because "they are so cute" and don't consider the incredible time, energy, patience and love investment it requires to do it right.
ugh...happens too often...had it happened just a few hours ago..again...I cease my responses...
I think I might have been like that person when I first got my feet wet in freshwater aquarium hobby. Mostly its to satisfy my own ego and most likely the same goes for that person. I have learned things the hard way and understand knowledge makes for a much better tank and am glad I follow that ideal unto saltwater tank hobby now. Some people just need to learn it the hard way. Sad truth.
I know that these forums have helped keep me on track and to avoid some costly/ traumatic (for teh critters, especially...) mistakes - I appreciate the community and the insight, because it seems the more I learn about this fascinating biocosm, the more I realize I don't know...
I agree with brandon on this one, but at the same time I have been the person posting here. I spent some time researching, reading, and reading before I got into the hobby. Not just here, but on *********, 3reef, as well as a local board. To an extent I blame this site for the way the person acted...everyone here is welcomed with open arms and a lot of quality veterin users go above and beyond for people asking questions. It becomes very easy to fall into the "post and get an answer" from those that know...I have been there, I have done it...guilty as charged. The other issue is that there are just SOOOOO many threads here that it is hard to search for things. So many times threads get off topic and then that hijack takes over the thread, and it isn't aways a bad thing because they are good is just that sometimes it is easier to start a new then have to sift through 40+ pages of old threads
The sad truth of it is that there are some people who, rather than looking for helpful advice, are actually just trolling for confirmation that what they are doing, even if they think it is the wrong thing to do, is the right thing to do.

Did that make sense?

I've been involved with this hobby for well over 25 years now, and am still learning every day. I am also one who has no trouble mixing "old" technology with "new" to achieve my desired result. What works for me may or may not work for you - each system is unique - even if they are set up on the same day in the same room with the same equipment and livestock.

Certainly there are a number of things that we all (should) know that just won't work. Regardless, there will be someone who thinks they know better, despite volumes of evidense to the contrary, and will go ahead with their plan and then look for reasons when it fails that point to ANYWHERE other than in the mirror.

All we can do is offer what we know has worked for us in the past. If someone chooses to ignore that, they can do so. I, for one, wish them well.

THIS :thumbsup: