Considering what what a YSI for DO, Salinity, conductivity and temperature costs, I find $600 for all that unit supposedly does is incredibly in it sounds too good to be true, or at least truly accurate.
Once it's proven reliable, $600 is small potatoes. I dropped over $100 on a Phosphate colorimeter, and have tossed out a few dozen 1/2 used $30 test kits because they were expired. The foil thing might be an issue, but if I can stop counting drops, I'm interested at 6 hundred bux.
Replacement foil will be under $35!
Do you have a source, or link for this info?
maybe FMAS could use club funds and buy one, put it through its paces - a lot of smart folks on here that could contribute to testing. just say'n :dance:
Replacement foil will be under $35!
That is indeed good news.
I am though still a little hesitant. Once you get your parameters in order, like i have, and many of you have......
I test alkalinity a few times per week with a $6 API test kit that gets me at least 3 months worth if not more.. Since I dose equal amounts of Cal and Alk, and they are spent equally, I adjust dosing according to Alk.
Pho4, and NO3 i test every few weeks, Reagents cost pennies for Hanna and Salifert. Mag once a month, again pennies.
Mind you there is a certain "cool" factor to this premise.
I'm just not sold on this. For me the price point is just not where it needs to be. Maybe my opinion will change once I can see it in use. But I can't see my self dropping that kind of coin on this.