no more test kits!!!

Considering what what a YSI for DO, Salinity, conductivity and temperature costs, I find $600 for all that unit supposedly does is incredibly in it sounds too good to be true, or at least truly accurate.
Considering what what a YSI for DO, Salinity, conductivity and temperature costs, I find $600 for all that unit supposedly does is incredibly in it sounds too good to be true, or at least truly accurate.

I agree it sounds to good to be true or accurate but the foil needs to be replaced every 90 days so who knows how much that will cost? I'm guessing $100 each every 4 months. But what if it only lasts 2 months? I guess we will have to wait and see. Either way, I'm most likely jumping on the pre order as soon as I can.
When they make it controller compatible it will totally be worth $600+ especially for people on the breeding side of things! I'd buy one just to get away with drops and being able to expand your comfort zone for vacations and trips from home
Once it's proven reliable, $600 is small potatoes. I dropped over $100 on a Phosphate colorimeter, and have tossed out a few dozen 1/2 used $30 test kits because they were expired. The foil thing might be an issue, but if I can stop counting drops, I'm interested at 6 hundred bux.

One of the only times on the same page with this guy, LOL!
As a colorblind person who cant see color shifts in many test kits, or tell the subtle differences in others. This is going to be awesome if it works. testing is my biggest hurdle.
Do you have a source, or link for this info?

yes...they posted on their facebook page today

maybe FMAS could use club funds and buy one, put it through its paces - a lot of smart folks on here that could contribute to testing. just say'n :dance:
Replacement foil will be under $35!

That is indeed good news.

I am though still a little hesitant. Once you get your parameters in order, like i have, and many of you have......

I test alkalinity a few times per week with a $6 API test kit that gets me at least 3 months worth if not more.. Since I dose equal amounts of Cal and Alk, and they are spent equally, I adjust dosing according to Alk.

Pho4, and NO3 i test every few weeks, Reagents cost pennies for Hanna and Salifert. Mag once a month, again pennies.

Mind you there is a certain "cool" factor to this premise.
That is indeed good news.

I am though still a little hesitant. Once you get your parameters in order, like i have, and many of you have......

I test alkalinity a few times per week with a $6 API test kit that gets me at least 3 months worth if not more.. Since I dose equal amounts of Cal and Alk, and they are spent equally, I adjust dosing according to Alk.

Pho4, and NO3 i test every few weeks, Reagents cost pennies for Hanna and Salifert. Mag once a month, again pennies.

Mind you there is a certain "cool" factor to this premise.

it would be great to tie something like this into a control that can auto adjust your dosing for you. :beer:

I read on their facebook page that they will handle the calibrations (and they have algorithims that will be applied to the data as the foil ages so the tests should remain accurate).

Only con I can see is we have to store our data out on their servers. Like any other similar service - if they go down - we lose our data.
I'm just not sold on this. For me the price point is just not where it needs to be. Maybe my opinion will change once I can see it in use. But I can't see my self dropping that kind of coin on this.
Apparently they've got some competition in the way of product substitution.

A company called "Thrive" is producing a machine kiosk that will test a whole host of parameters. You pay by the test. Like red box but for testing your water... just as entertaining for us fish nerds tho.

Barrier Reef will have one of these in the next few months.

There is some difference in product functionality, this may be worth the extra $ to some consumers. The speculation continues!