No one wants the green gigantea on DD?


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No one?


Size: 12"
Large Indonesian ultra yellow/green true carpet anemone. This anemone has a pink oral disc and mouth. The tentacles of this anemone stick well and are yellow/green. The underside of the oral disc is pink with blue spots, with a smooth blue column and pedal disc. This carpet anemone prefers to attach to a smooth surface in fine sandy substrate that is 4" thick, and is maintained under 250-Watt DE-10K bulbs that are suspended 18" above the water surface in a raceway that is 16" deep. This anemone is fully quarantined, and is feeding well on a mix of PE Mysis and finely chopped raw shrimp. The diameter of the pedal disc is 6" and the anemone is 12" in diameter when fully open.
Looks great, but to much for me. If it were local I may consider it, but too much risk involved shipping those anemones.
Way way overpriced. $150 is what they are here in SoCal. I passed on 3 of them at that price. Feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have access to good fish stores and has to pay these draconian prices. Someone will probably buy it anyway. Let's just hope it's not someone who really expects this to remain yellow for more than 2 months in a good reef environment.
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Looks great, but to much for me. If it were local I may consider it, but too much risk involved shipping those anemones.

I completely agree. For the price the risk is too high, especially given how the other DD gigantea fared. I hoped you sense my sarcasm in the original post! :beer:

Way way overpriced. $150 is what they are here in SoCal. I passed on 3 of them at that price. Feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have access to good fish stores and has to pay these draconian prices. Someone will probably buy it anyway. Let's just hope it's not someone who really expects this to remain yellow for more than 2 months in a good reef environment.

I just picked up one for $100 at my LFS (but I think that's the buddy price) though it's smaller. And yes -- right now it's yellow after Cipro treatment, but I don't expect it to stay this way:


For some reason, greens are typically cheaper than both blues and purples, yet they are the hardest to find. I personally like the green ones the best because they tend to be a more solid color -- as if there is more green pigment than say a blue or purple where the color is mostly in the tips and the rest of the tentacle is brown.
$500 would be way too much for me, especially with the risk of shipping involved. Plus I don't want a monster.

I think my little $80 LA gig is right now on the way to develop this color. Under blue light it looks yellow with a hint of green.
Many of my corals also turn green under my Kessil LEDs.
Too big, too expensive, too risky. I'm sure someone with deep pockets and ignorance will buy it.
i have been looking for a green, but not going that route. way too expensive for the risk. i'll keep looking and eventually another find one locally for 1/3 of that price.
The green gig on DD is gone. I actually bought a small green gig last year for $30 but lost it due to my inexperience with gigs at the time.
I wish my local store would have gigs or any other anemones other than BTAs or Maxi Minis.
The stores that have at times carpets or other host anemones are at least 20 miles away from me.
I wish my local store would have gigs or any other anemones other than BTAs or Maxi Minis.
The stores that have at times carpets or other host anemones are at least 20 miles away from me.

Aquatic Collection frequently gets carpets, both haddoni and gigantea. They even had two small mertensii on separate occasions which went to a buyer on the east coast, and the other in Sacramento. I picked up my green gigantea from there, as well as the purple and blue one, and also magnifica.

Baja Reef most likely won't order gigantea. I was told that they "do not carry carpet anemones due to their poor survival rate in captivity and their unsustainable collection."
Baja Reef most likely won't order gigantea. I was told that they "do not carry carpet anemones due to their poor survival rate in captivity and their unsustainable collection."

Add Vivid Aquariums to that list. They might be able to special order if you are local customer but they do not routinely stock them like they used to for the same reasons I was told by the store.
Aquatic Collection frequently gets carpets, both haddoni and gigantea. They even had two small mertensii on separate occasions which went to a buyer on the east coast, and the other in Sacramento. I picked up my green gigantea from there, as well as the purple and blue one, and also magnifica.
Yes, Aquarium Concepts and Aquatic Collections are so far the only stores I found around here that have a variety of host anemones on a regular basis.

Neptune Aquatics usually has only BTAs, Maxi Minis, but sometimes magnificas and malus.

California Reef only have BTAs and Maxi Minis.

Baja Reef most likely won't order gigantea. I was told that they "do not carry carpet anemones due to their poor survival rate in captivity and their unsustainable collection."

Next time I see him I need to ask Steve how these anemones are collected. I have a feeling that they are not carefully, and painstakingly slow peeled of the rock. That method may work for giganteas that (almost) fall dry during low tides and also for magnificas that always sit exposed on top of rocks, but haddoni, mertensi or crispa require diving and the last two are on top lodged into rock crevices where you can't even reach their foot. I really wonder how they get those out.
What about us East Coasters in Northern Va?! 20 mi away would be a dream drive for one of these! Ordering from LA means shipping across the continent and right now, the temps are anywhere between upper 30s at night and upper 70s during the day. Not the range you can reliably ship such monsters.
At this point, I would be happy with a medium green one and a clown grateful enough to live in it.
i know this is old, but the tank look like it is infested with flatworm.

It was dumb luck. Doesn't happen often here. I saw an 8 inch green gig three weeks ago for $109 locally and it got sold quickly.
And these small and medium green gigs were offered at $150 couple of months ago.
i know this is old, but the tank look like it is infested with flatworm.
Off topic I know, but I used to work in a shop that was overrun with those little orange flatworms. Turns out purple sea slugs love to eat them. We would have people buy the purple slugs because how neat they were, and then come in every week or so for some flatworms. :spin1:
couple questions concerning that pic of the small gigs.
1) where do u see flatworms?
2) in the bottom green gig, would you guys consider it healthy? I notice it's mouth is gaping open