No polyp extension

had tons yeah but the water volume was high, Not saying it is the problem just had a thought about it before falling a sleep, just need to find the info or if someone here knows the answer

I had the same problem but after looking at it at night . I caught my coral beauty picking at the corals. I removed the coral beauty to my 65 softie tank and my sps are doing great now. I also have a 125 as my sump fugium full of micro, have no problems. and I am a DSB runner.
Well, I am actually seeing a little more polyp extension on my birds nest and cat paw! I'm really wondering if the PO4 isn't the biggest problem. Time will tell I guess.
well if the viagra doesn't work for pe then watch your flame too...found mine late at nite was nipping at sps....didn't notice it till i cut back on their feeding a little in hope of getting my nitrates down a little more...
One other thing to consider is the (literally) thousands of various substances dissolved in the water that we do not and cannot test for. Probably a lot of organic toxins (again, probably thousands) probably get removed by protein skimmers and such, but probably many others do not. I'd do a few big water changes (at least 30 if not 50%) and I bet you'll see improvement.

Chris, I actually did a few large water changes a while back. 2 in a row I think. Didn't see any difference.

In seeing some polyp extention, I'm really thinking getting the PO4 down and keeping it down will make a difference. At least I hope so... :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6253699#post6253699 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BPMACMAN
well if the viagra doesn't work for pe then watch your flame too...found mine late at nite was nipping at sps....didn't notice it till i cut back on their feeding a little in hope of getting my nitrates down a little more...
It was nipping at night? Feed those babies!!!
I now and going to say fish nipping or picking, because she can move a coral frag to another tank that is connected to this one and the polyps come out, what do you all thing
tagging along because I have the same problem and my levels are good. Only thing I haven't tried at this point is switching salts. I use OceanPure. I have given frags to others and they get polyp extension but in my tank not very good if at all. I even put some frags in my fuge to rule out fish nipping and still no change. There is something that I don't think we test for or know of.

P04 - 0
Nitrates - 0
Silicate - 0
pH - 8.06 low morning and 8.2 high day. Most of the time it is 8.17
Calcium - 400 - 425
mag - 1300
Alk - 9 dkh
temp is 78 - 80 controlled by my chiller
salinity 1.025

150 gal BB with dual 400w radiums with 54w x 4 T5's

I am more curious if anyone has had this problem and actually solved it by means other than these levels and fish nipping? I have taken my water to others to test to make sure kits are bad and bought all new kits.
Tagging along.

I'm having the same problem.

Tested everything....

No red bugs..

I had three suspects
fuzzy acro crab
Clown Goby
Flame Angel

The first two have been removed.

The flame would also be removed if i could catch it, but i still don't think this would completely solve my issue.

I bought an acro millipora two weeks ago had 1/4 inch PE for about a week, now barely nothing....

Along for the ride.

oops almost forgot tried a large WC with Tropic Marine from the normal oceanic..... didn't notice a diff either.
I wonder sometimes if its too much light maybe?:confused: I don't know if its the different color of some corals or if its just placement in the tank, but I have some acros that stay polyped out all day and night , and others that will only polyp out at night. I would think that its the lighting itself, maybe a mild ph swing???
backlash, I've moved the same coral orund in the tank and it's made no difference. I've also had 3 of the same coral, off of the same mother colony and placed them in different parts of the tank and all three reacted the same. So, I don't think it's the lighting in that case.
I've got a big Blue Angel in my SPS tank. People come over to see my tank and say, "Doesn't that Angel bother your SPS?"
Yes she does, but it does not affect Polyp extension, maybe a little, but not much. It does affect my Clam, but the clam remains open, I think it might open more without the angel.

Did you mention Water Flow in this thread? Increasing it might help. All parameters look good,
I do have the phosban reactor and DIY carbon chamber on the main tank. We have talked about putting them on their own pump to increase water flow. However, before we added theses I had the same problem. But, I also had PO4 issues before adding them. We will most likely put them on their own pimp and see if that makes a difference.
:jester: :lmao: She will not put powerheads in the tank, but the funny thing is the frag tank has less flow and they open, hard to say really how much flow is in the main tank, I have seen it and it seems like there is a good amount
What scares me is that you have two of the same things that I do for my tank which I suspect might have something to do with our lack of PE. The Pygmy angel, and the Kalk. Everyone I've seen with good PE has a Ca reactor. It's just my theory, but there's something to the Ca reactors as far as SPS goes...
I'm trying to eliminate one variable at a time, so I ordered the CO2 tank and regulator. I'm retrofiting my DIY fluidized media chamber. We shall see.

I have a hunch its not the fish (though I have a pygmy and a bicolor blenny). They do nip occasionally but there are may more sps frags than they could get to affecting all the polyps all the time. That and my clam never seems to care, and all my softies are always open, despite being the primary targets of the two aforemetioned fish.

Also, my digitatas do not seem to be affected, and grow happily and colorfully. Go figure...
Maybe it does have something to do with the steady supply of calcium and others from the CA Reactor but I would not guess that, there are others in our club that do not have Reactors and have corals with PE
tankslave - a very simple test, remove the pygmy angel. When I removed my yellow clown goby it took a few days, and then the polyps stayed open in the daytime. I currently have a pygmy angel that nips just enough to close the polyps - before I added him, they did not close during the day. My money is on the angel, not on what calcium source you use. All the sps need is occaisional nips by fish to stay closed during the day.