Noisy 9002


New member
Just installed my new DOC Skimmer 9002.
If I adjust the screw such that the bubble level is right at the bottom of the cup, it makes pretty loud crackling noise from the bubbles popping.
Will this go away as the skimmer breaks in?
Or do I need to adjust the height of the skimmer?
The waterline, right now, is at the level indicated on the box.

Thank you,
Naru Takashima
The best is to follow the instructions open the blue screw 3 turns monitor the performance for a day. The line on the skimmer is a guide you can try either side of this quarter inch to tweak performance.
I think I am getting the noise that Roger describes as "percolating coffee noise"
If I open the blue screw three times the noise is quite loud.

The US model pump is slightly stronger than the 50Hz model so I recommend raising the skimmer so the marked line is 1/2" above the actual waterline. To purge the water already in the airline, close the airscrew completely, unplug the skimmer, wait a few seconds, plug it back in and after about 10 seconds, very slowly start opening the screw. Open it 3 full turns and make any adjustments in increments of about 1/4 turn per day to get the desired skimmate which will generally be the color of iced tea when properly tuned.
I wouldn't adjust it based on the level of the bubbles, adjust it based on the skimmate collected in the cup. Just open it three turns, if after a few days, nothing collects open it a 1/4 turn and so on every day until you get something the color of iced tea or green tea. If the collected skimmate is very light, do the opposite and close it, but make a small adjustment every day and wait for the results.
still having trouble with my skimmer it started producing green tea looking skim just stopped i have been trying to adjust the screw very little still no results. any suggestions? i have read to cut the extra hose line that it has an impact true not true?
The extra hose should not have an impact unless it is kinked or pinched. It is a lot harder to reinstall the pump if you cut the hose to short. Have you checked that the hose is not kinked in the chamber under the top lid of the skimmer (the one that holds the cup and has the air adjustment screw). Does it produce bubbles at all?
i have not checked the hose but it does produce bubbles and i have still been adjusting the screw and since i have written that question the other day it has started producing again so i will see if it will stay that way or not. thanks for the info i really do appreciate it.
ok roger it started doing it again it was producing great then it started making that coffee sound and now its not producing. i have keep the water level the same in the back. any suggestions? it produces a small amount of bubbles.
The coffeemaker noise means it is submerged too deep and water is getting into the airline. This could also happen if the water level went up momentarily from floating a fish bag or some displacement. The best thing to do is to unplug it, close the air screw, plug it back in and reopen the air screw. The water line marked on the skimmer can be up to 1" above the actual water line and the skimmer still work, you may need to raise it a bit more.
The coffeemaker noise means it is submerged too deep and water is getting into the airline. This could also happen if the water level went up momentarily from floating a fish bag or some displacement. The best thing to do is to unplug it, close the air screw, plug it back in and reopen the air screw. The water line marked on the skimmer can be up to 1" above the actual water line and the skimmer still work, you may need to raise it a bit more.

Sorry for dragging up an old post but wanted to thank the posters for the info. My 9002 air valve went underwater last night while floating about 3 or 4 bags which increased the water level.

Afterwards, it started giving me issues making huge bubbles but not really producing skim. I google searched and came across this thread. Followed the advice to shut off power, close valve, restart and allow water to purge, then reopen valve. Seems to be working a million times better now so I obviously had water in the valve and air line.

Thanks again.
Thanks, I am glad this forum served its purpose.

Ironically enough, it kept on giving me the large bubbles and coffee maker gurgle. I kept messing with it all weekend and never could get consistent production.

In the end, I found that as soon as I removed a pouch of purigen and a pouch of chemipure elite, the skimmer started acting normal within 20 to 30 minutes. Now it's humming along producing a fine dry bubble skim.

The only thing I could find regarding purigen and chemipure was a comment somewhere that showed up in a search claiming they affected the water tension, so I'm thinking maybe they could have affected the ability of the bubbles to form properly somehow.
Yes, I have had this experience with Purigen, but not with chemipure.

Interesting. I didn't try them as a one or the other. May have to give chemipure a try again one day, but for now am happy the skimmer is chugging along properly. :)