North Dakota Mini-Ocean

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I just passed the last hour to give a look to your thread! Very beautiful! You will have an amazing setup!!!
Updates: Scott was here yesturday to bring up my frag tanks, 105 gallon holding tanks, calcium reactor, and kalk reactor. We got most of the frag system plumbed and a new list of stuff to buy and make. I even talked him into building me a new 150 gallon tank as my tenecor just doesn't work for the equipment I want to install. So with that being said I have a 5 year old tenecor 60 x 18 x 24T tank with sump, 250 reflector (48" long with 2-65W PC lights), red sea berlin skimmer, and little giant pump that I want to give away. First person to come and get it wins! I just want the rock and sand when it leaves.

I should have more pictures up by sunday.
well it was an adventure going up to fargo. here is a couple of pictures i took before the battries on the camera went dead.

note to self....."charge up your camera battries before you leave on a trip dumb dumb"!!!!
new ro unit with monster di unit.

frag rack in place and ready to be hooked up.

the room got alot smaller with the beautiful cabnets he has installed in the room. it was nice to have a place to put all the supplies he purchased for the system. we wanted to have the frag system up and running before i left there but it did not happen because the 2 das skimmers didnt show up in time.
Couple Updates:

I put the final touches on the plumbing for the frag tanks. I will do a water test tomorrow and if all goes well I will mix up some saltwater and fill-em-up! The pictures only show one hydor/tank, but once I get saltwater in the tanks I will mount the other two. Sorry for the mess in the pictures!! I didn't have a chance to clean up and wanted to post some pictures before I went to bed.

Yes, I can pull off the skimmer cup by a QUARTER of an inch!! skimmer maintenance should not be a problem and I can adjust and remove the skimmer from the sump with ease.



I am hoping to get the RO/DI unit hooked up by the weekend so I can get some saltwater into the tanks to begin the cycle phase and get a couple chromis and live rock in the tanks. I am just waiting for the booster pump to come. Also, the plywood will be painted to match the wall one booster pump is templated and mounted.

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One last point:

I am thinking of painting the white plumbing parts with a marine paint to match the room or a dark color such as gray...Im not fond of the white. Will the paint effect the reef life?
not if you do it before the tanks are set up...all depends on whether you use high or low VOC paint as well.
great updates and seen you have done a lot of work in few days. are those coast to coast overflows teeth on two top tanks? plumbing work is very clean
you know, come to think of it, maybe too late to paint the pipe without driving yourself crazy. I know what you mean though. When I swap out tanks, I am going to use all gray or black PVC.
I must say this is absolutly a dream setup. Congrats..Excellent tast and craftsmanship. thansk for keeping the pics coming..
Tinting might be the answer...and if i just paint the returns on the top of the tank I might get the look I want. I'll see how time consuming that might be.

Thanks for the feedback!!
I put newspaper behind pipes in the past and sprayed them with out getting over spray on anything. It worked no prob. I am with bart on the tint, easy fix..
tinting films are really easy to work with. list of tools needed: rubber squeegee, very little joy soap with water, spray bottle, razor blade and limo tint. no mess, no over spray, no fumes and your done
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