blstravelar, if you want info, do the legwork. Stop being lazy.
I asked you to post the studies because you made the statement that they were bad "Period" making it seem that you had done the research, I would ask you again to post studies that back up this point from all 3 sides, labstudies, aquarium studies and wild studies.
I am not being lazy I have spent the time looking for the research. Trust me I just got out of the hospital after having major surgery and I have had nothing but time to look this stuff up and read the articles. I am not trying to argue but what I have found are controlled studies (lab studies) and I have also found aquarium research. The aquarium research is not always 100% in either direction there always seem to be exceptions. To be honest the lab studies I found were somewhat conclusive but a frag in a Petri dish is not a reprehensive study IMO, but still I know it isn’t necessarily wrong. I have yet to find any wild studies period except for a brief mention in a Borneman article but it had no study behind it, as stated by Borneman. This is what I really want to see…
If I could make any assumption (and I HATE using that word) it is that it seems that the red bugs are more like opportunistic feeders, if you have a coral that is not doing well they flock like seagulls over a garbage dump, easy meal. However my assumption seems to be nothing new to most people.
So I am guessing that if your corals are all doing well then what happens to the number of the bugs? I have noticed in my own tank that before I had surgery I had a ton of them everywhere but now I don't. Look this is what all has happened to me, like I said I have the time to write this out ----
I got involved in a large group buy and when the corals I ordered came in 1 of the 3 didn't look well. Unfortunately at the time I had just found out that day (same day the coral came in) that I had to have emergency surgery ASAP so I could not do my normal QT but I was able to do a short Interceptor dip but not my normal time frame for QT or dip. The next day I went into the hospital (to get fragged myself, though I didn't get to bring anything home...) the new coral from the group buy coral was half dead and covered in Red Bugs... I didn't see the bugs at all the day before. Now that sucked because I had no choice to leave my tank the way it was, my health is more important to me and my wife then my coral. I did take the coral out and chucked it, but that was all I could do, then I went to the hospital to get admitted. That was on 9/23. I was in the hospital for about 9 days. After I got discharged a few days later I noticed the bugs on a coral that was nearest to where I had put the infected coral in, and it was covered in Red Bugs. I was bummed out, this was one of my favorite corals, nice stag that I had grown from a 1 inch piece that is now about 6 inches with a ton of branches. I was able to get up about once a day and try to make the best observations possible, which wasn't easy because I could hardly bend over to get a good look. I did notice that the coral was not doing well and at this point and even today I can't lift anything over 10 pounds so I still couldn't do the treatment for them even if I wanted to, a water change for me would be impossible I have 40 staples in my belly right now, it sucks trust me. Then one day my wife was adding water to my holding container for top off water and noticed there was no air going into my skimmer (similar to a Deltec), no air no skimmate; I have no idea how long it was like this for if it had been that way since I went into the hospital we are talking a good 12 days. I had my wife clear the air line to my skimmer and in 2 days the bugs had moved away from the badly infested coral and since then (about 10 days time) numbers have gone down greatly. I can now only see maybe 1 or 2 bugs on some of the corals in my tank but not all. I think it has been well stated that they don't live on all corals, my milli's, digi's, and a few acro's (sorry not good with exact names) all have zero bugs on them. I will say though that every week there seems to be a slight rise in numbers maybe 3 to 4 bugs on each coral, but then it drops again a few days later to 1 or 2. I am guessing this is more of a life cycle issue. So here I am now and my tank is fine I do have bugs but have not noticed any damaged to my corals, PE is the same as it ever was, good during the day but always better at night. Colors are fine and I have seen excellent growth, the other 2 corals I got in the group purchase where frags and both are now encrusted and are doing very well. From time to time I see maybe one bug on them but never more then that.
So that's my story, any questions just ask.
Stoney Mahony-
I t would be great if you could post your pictures of before and after. If you don’t mind could you also post your tank param's as well?
I'll try and post pics tonight or tomorrow, depends how much energy I have and how much patience my wife has in helping me out.