Amazing tank, thanks for you input.
I agree that in dealing with the bugs a few times they are only an issue when other issues arise in your tanks, ie water quality, etc.
King Kong-
If you can't get certain crustaceans out of your tank, then it can be difficult to balance the moral issues of "which is more important" (sps or the inverts). I can understand not wanting to continue killing your inverts attempting to treat, however you shouldn't cast aside the FACT that they are affecting some of your SPS corals.
Is it a FACT? Do you see my corals on a daily basis like I do, is your tank exactly the same as mine? My corals are doing great and grow like weeds. Why would it be unfair to show pictures of coral and say look how good they are doing with red bugs, this is the exact same measuring stick you would use to say, "look at how good my corals look and I don't have Red Bigs" Would it not?
although ive never had them, i think anything parasitic should be treated. IMO, i think you are looking for people living with red bugs to justify the fact that u dont want to go through the hassle of treating your tanks.
First off let me say Jiggy that I have had the bugs before- and I have treated them before as well as treat new corals before I put them into my tank, the hassel is not the issue. The issue is, and if you had read my second post, which it looks like you didn't, instead just making a pointless comment about something you have NO experience with, when I have stated several times I do not want this to get ugly...and now it will..
What I did say in my second post was...
So regardless I am about to go in for some surgery and I think I am going to leave the bugs alone this time. In a few months time from now when I would be able to do all of the major work needed to kill them off I might, but if my corals look like they do now, nothing is changing.
This is the issue, I am about to go into the hospital for many weeks for major surgery. The issues does not have a thing to do with me not wanting to deal with a hassel, it has to do with me putting my health and having a an entire organ removed in front of the treatment of red bugs for a few weeks; or possibly for good b/c I have had them before and killed them off before and they never did any damage in the first place. Who knows maybe you also know more about my health then I do.
So for now my tanks remains as is----
I will post after picks in 3 months form now when I get home from surgery and physical therapy. This should show any impact, but like I said I think I have had them for about 2 months because that was when my health issues started and I stopped examing my corals up close on a daily basis.
For everyone that did post pics of their tanks and there feed back I apprecaite it, if there is anyone else that is livinng with the bugs please post and let us knwo your experiences.
Sorry for the b!tching but I am under a lot of stress right now with my pending surgery in 5 days.