November Tank Of The Month

Hi Jamie ,
Awsome tank..I just tore down a 110show and am in the process of setting up a 150RR oceanic . My question is how did you put your DI unit on a Timer.
Im going to have my Di unit going into my kalk reactor and then into a float valve in my sump and yes i know the float valves fail
and plan on relpaceing them every 6 mo or so. So the added
security of having it on a timer would be a great addition to my
K.I.S.S. Reef.
Hi Robert and thanks :) ,
All Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ve done is hook up a sprinkler solenoid to the line into the ro/di. This is then hooked up to the timer with the use of an ac adapter. Which then only allows water to feed into the ro/di for the set time. Also for the solenoid to work you need to down size the in and outs to the same size of line you feed the ro/di. If youââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢d like me to attach a pic to help on the visuals let me know
thanks for the pics ... my only question is are there any metal parts in the unit that might put metals in the waterflow??? also what type ??rainbird?? etc..
It was so long ago that I bought this. The name on the soliniod says WaterMaster. As for metal parts I can't even remember. I don't recall any. I wasn't too concerned as this unit is installed pre ro/di.
Jamie,Beautiful tank.I have 1 question.Does the eggcrate your rock rests on cover the whole bottom of you tank,and is it totally covered with sand to hide it?Thank you in advance:)
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Thanks Doppler, Does this answer your question?

Ok I'll do my best here All I've done is cut and drilled 12 pieces of 1 1/2 abs pipe. Then evenly spaced and stood them upright into the sand prior to adding water. I then cut to size 3 pieces of eggcrate to rest on the abs pipe. The important thing here is to make sure not to make the table to large. You still need room to hind it behind some rocks which need placing in front and the sides. Once happy with the "table" place a few rocks on the eggcrate so once water is added they don't float. Or zapstraps will work too. Maybe this picture will help explain better.
The picture was taken from the side which I've left veiwable just so I can see whats happening under there

Jamie,Thank you very much for clearing that up.My tank crashed after just 2 years with a DSb and I was thinking along the same lines as you.Do you think that acts as a plenum?I like the setup because water also flows under the rock.I had a tank about 12 years ago with about a inch of sand and a wet/dry and never had alge.It was up for 2.5 years and broke during a move so i sold everything.We wont get into the pros and cons of DSB i was just curious of your methods
Hi Jamie,
Great Tank.
I especially like your canopy lighting set-up. Can you provide more pics on the canopy and stand. I am planning my next tank
and find yours a great model follow.
High Temps

High Temps

With your PFO's, do you find yourself with a high-temp problem during the summer months? Do you have a chiller? How do you keep it cool?

As for the Canopy and Stand pics, any detailed pics would be wonderful. Thanks again.


Temps do rise some in the summer and yeah a chiller would be nice. I use a fan over the sump which helps plus the tanks in the basement. The highest temp last summer was 84 but that was in the old house. I now have the tank in its own room with a fan removing the warm and humid air which I beleive will make next summer less of an issue. Also last summer was one of the hottest in over 50 years here in B.C. Hey if you want those pics just send me a pm and I'll email you them that way I don't have to upload them.
Wow now thats a tank !

Wow now thats a tank !

Beautiful ! Im still in ahw, you built my dream tank. I printed it out and have it pinned at my desk at work. Really beautiful and goes to show people what hard work and education on having a marine tank can really pay off ! Keep it up, I can't possibly think of anything else that you can improve on it.