Nudibranch Eating Wrasses

Are all Nudis Zoa eating? I have several zoa in my tank and no problems so far. But, I just noticed a couple days a few Nudis were crawling on the glass.
any other fish that you guys know of that will eat the nudis? The yellow coris sounds like the way to go but I'm kinda partial to my cleaner shrimp and I'm infested with zoo eating nudis.

You need to start deeping your colonies/frags ASAP or they will spread rapidly.
Look for the eggs on the zoas, they look kind of spiral; scrape them off.
You'll need to do this several times, at least for a couple of months.
If you have a quarantine tank much better since you can keep a better watchful eye.
Good luck
Are all Nudis Zoa eating? I have several zoa in my tank and no problems so far. But, I just noticed a couple days a few Nudis were crawling on the glass.

If you have zoanthids in your tank, the nudibranchs are probally going to be the zoanthid eating kind.
I have the following in my 100 gal tank:

Gold Striped Maroon Clowns 2
Perc Clown 1
Purple Tang
Leopard Wrasse
Cleaner shrimp
Zoa eating Nudi
Blue Jaw Trigger

One of the above needs to go.... I am considering adding either a green or yellow coris wrasse. Which would be best to eliminate the problem while getting along with the others? My 6-line isn't a bully.


Are the yellow coris wrasse reef safe? I think they had them listed on Dr. Fosters and Smith to add with caution. Anyone had any negative experience with the yellow coris eating corals?

I had a yellow coris wrasse for about 6 months, he was a great hunter and kept my tank in good shape. Then he must have run out of things to hunt and decided to take on my zoanthids. I watched him one evening eating my gorilla nipples. he would eat an entire polyp in one bite. After that he had to go. I still have a lubbocks wrasse, not as good a hunter but doesn't bother my zoa's either.
Are you sure he wasn't just going after copipods or amphipods inbetween the polyps?
I never heard of a wrasse eating zoanthids. Espesially a yellow coris wrasse.
No doubt. I watched him eat about 5 in a row and you could see the juices explode out of each polyp as he took them. I was really surprised as well. Up until that point it was my favorite fish.
intersting... never has it been written or talked about, I have a strong feeling you had pod digging inside the polyps mouth and the wrasses went after it.
Well he cleared off about a 3 square inch colony of gorilla nipples looking for that pod digging inside the polyps before I got rid of him.
^ no can do. The algea is an indicator. Filled the tank- and used a bit of tap water. Waiting to watch it melt away, and it will melt away. ;)

Pro biotics. This tank has only been running 2 months. The algea should go away on its own soon- and watching for when it does. started this tank on the mb7 and carbon source, maintanance dose only, being a new tank. Watching how it works.

Already receeding, on its own. But, thats a whole nuther thread. This is a great topic- and dont want to send it in another direction, as I seem to already have...oops...

Yellow coris is doing great!!

First week, every time the lights went out- the fish freeked out. Repeatedly tried to jump out!!!! The fish has since stopped, but- anyone else expriance this behavior w/ their wrasse?
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Yes most wrasses IMO are finicky when first introduced into the tank and get stable as time goes and get more relaxed in their new environment.