O. mercatoris eggs

mr. bojangsjang

New member
Is it possible to rear O. mercatoris eggs? I am thinking since i really want a dwarf octo species, but don't want to see one die like every month, why don't i try to rear the females eggs when she dies and then I could keep them for like 6-8 months?
We hold them indivdually in one liter containers or circulating small 5 liter aquaria attached to a canister flilter. If you use a circulating aquarium fit the outflow with a sponge filter to prevent escape. We cover the bottom of the tank with a thin layer of sand and providea small piece of pvc for the animal to live it. We feed mostly live food - mysids, amphipods and nutrient treated adult brine shrimp. The animals grow quickly and after two or three weeks they will usually take small pieces of grass shrimp. When animals are reared in containers, we feed each morning and change the water completely a few hours later. Animals do not grow as quickly as when they have food ad lib, but it allows us to rear dozens at a time. As I said before, they are very cannibalistic, so you can only have one per container or aquarium unless you want to use the extras as food.
