O.Scyllarus in an Eclipse 3?


New member
Can O.Scyllarus be kept in a eclipse 3 tank? Any worries about punching through the plastic? I'm thinking about setting up a small tank in my office for one, and would hate to have it break the tank (not just concern for the mantis, but also for the computer equipment the tank would be near!).


I wouldn't worry too much about that, those tanks are fairly strong and cases of mantis breaking the aquarium they're in are very VERY rare. You'd really have to corner it and upset it quite a bit for it to do that, IMHO. I'd think your biggest problem would be with water quality in a small tank like that. It can be done, just harder than with your average 30g+ reef tank. Best of luck,
Besides the water quality issue (which is very important, the slightest change is going to have a big impact), I'd say an O. scyllarus would be too big. I've got a 6" one in a 20, and a 4" one in a 10 gallon. Both are very active, moving rocks, running around, digging, even swimming up to the top occasionally. I would think a 3 gallon would be too restrictive on a mantis bigger than 2". Heck, my 4" girl thinks the 10 is too restrictive! When she gets moody, she'll walk up to the front, smack the side of the tank, wait for me to look, then run off.

Make the mantis happy, spring for the 12 gallon model. Or buy a smaller species.

Thanks, that's what I needed to know. Like most reefers, I've got several extra tanks lieing around, but the smallest was a 29. I thought the eclipse 3 would have a nice footprint for my desk, plus the bio-wheel built in filtration might negate the need for a skimmer. Anyway, I'll look at the eclipse 12 or a 10 to 15 gal glass tank instead.

Thanks again,

i had kept a 7 inch o scyl. in a 6 gallon eclipse setup. it was fine for him as far as room ...i wouldnt go much smaller... but the problem was with keeping the water quality. he would get fussy about food before molts, not eating his beloved crabs, but the moment i wasnt payin attention... he molted with bad nitrate levels and died. :( the tank is now home to a beutiful little green gon. mutatus thats about 4 inches. she loves it...and im watchin the water alot better hehehe.