o2manyfish 750g Tank, 1500g System "Built" Thread

Wow your tank keeps giving me hope I will get back to the promise land. Really hope to see you at MACNA though, nice to put faces to tanks
Hi Dave. Do you have aggression between those yellow and purple tang? I'm thinking about adding a trio of blue tang and some yellows.

The Colini was doing fantastic in the outside tanks. Fish was filled out and not shy at all.

I went out one night and caught the angel sleeping between a couple of xenia boxes. I reached in and scooped him up with my bare hand. He was sound asleep. I carried him into the display tank and the fish never flipped it's tail at all. Dropped him in and he went and found a new place to sleep. Next day the Colini was out and about.

The Colini was totally at ease in the tank. Nobody was bothering him. He wouldn't take any kind of food offerred. But he was feeding off the rocks and picking all over. After a week he started to lose weight. I tried everything to get him more things to eat, but he just kept wasting away. I tried to catch him, but in my tank there is no chance at that. And then 2 weekends ago he was there Saturday night and gone on Sunday.

The Colini are really tough fish to keep. I was so thrilled that this one was not shy, and was doing so well. I figured if he had enough to eat in the frag tank - which is just egg crate and frags, then in the display tank with 1000+ lbs of rock, I thought he would have plenty to eat. My mandarins look like balloon animals. But I was not successful.

The Goldflakes (2) outside are doing awesome. I am enjoying them outside so much I decided to leave them and get another pair for inside the house, but my wife said "No". Given in the past couple of months we have gotten Colini, Navarchus, Red Sea Regal, Goldflakes (3), Joculator.... I had to respect her "No". She also told me no to a Gem Tang. You can't ask for a better wife than that :)

Dave B

I should be easy to spot - I will be the bald guy with one of the brightest Hawaiian shirts at the show. Depending on the day you might also catch me a in kilt ;)

Dave B

My purple tang has finally outgrown the yellows, and he is definitely trying to be the boss. When you have just a couple of fish they get aggressive. When you have so many fish, within chaos there is peace. All the yellows (8), purple, hippo (2), Chevron and Achilles get along with very little issues. There is on yellow who has some old fin damage, but the rest of the tangs, if you watch the video are in great shape - no scratches or tears.

I just picked up a tiny chevron. I am letting him settle in and color up outside, and hope to add him to the mix in the near future.

Dave B

The fish and corals really don't care about the rain, they are already wet :)

Our rainfall is pretty minimal. We have been in a drought for 30+ years.

The amount of exposed surface area in relation to the size of the system means rain is no big deal.

And with the surface area I do have, even on a rainy day I evaporate as much as 10 gallons.

There is so much flow in each exposed tank and the rainfall is so slow, That the water is always mixed.

For the expected El Nino this past winter I did buy some Eazy Up tents to cover the tanks just to be prepared. But we never needed them.

Dave B

Makes sense. Up North we get more and I tend to forget about our brothers and sisters down South :) Now it could work if I had a green house...

You will have to show a picture of the shirt you are wearing. I wonder how it would compare to my bright blue Roger & Jessica Rabbit shirt.
Had a great time at MACNA this past weekend.

Got to see some of my reefing friends but not enough.

At MACNA the wife came home with some really cool clowns from ProAquatix.

Which was a good thing, because she didn't seem to mind the new purchases I got after MACNA....

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/M7E8NOGvZyI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dave B
Hey Dave !! Wished I was at macna. Had my wife's brothers wedding that weekend. Hope all is well. Tank looks great. I miss being in the hobby but it was nice time off and will soon be taking a massive plunge. Almost ready here. Going to do a whole fresh water system check first. Enjoy weekend.

Sorry you didn't make it to MACNA. I hope you end up with Wayne's babies. If there is anything I can do to assist with the adoption please let me know.

If you have time would love to grab a phone call with you and hear how everything is going.

Dave B
Short and sweet....

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tbD5n0tB6qo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dave B
Hello Dave,
Never seen more than two Goldflake at time. Now seen four and 3 juvenile together with navarchus imperator and Pygoplites in frag tank. So much people told me angels and corals does not work. I will send them your link next time ;)

Great display tank. Love your tank and your 2manyfish :)

Grüße Torben

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What is the name of those plastic crate/bin thingys? They aren't just standard gaylord boxes are they? They look bigger than that.

Here is the first generation of the filtration system finished.


I'm an addict when it comes to marine aquarium keeping. So when I came across an opportunity to pick up some frag tanks I grabbed it.

But I don't have a garage or a spare room to set them up in. So being that I live in Southern California I took advantage of our warm weather and setup my frag tanks outside.







The outdoor frag tanks were hugely successful. The colors were fantastic. Growth in the sunlight was amazing. And the outdoor system continued to expand. I ran the outdoor tanks
from 2003 until 2006. In 2008 I was having issues with the system overall - Which I will get to eventually and took the frag tanks down to minimize system size and give me some
more control over the parameters of the system. At the height my system volume was about 2100g. All the flow to both inside and outside was handled by a single Dolphin 3600 Ampmaster,
and I used gravity to flow the water between the 5 outside tanks.
Video - Fish Update for Oct 2016

Video - Fish Update for Oct 2016

Andrew -- Had some crisis to deal with and haven't had time to catch up with you, things are slowing down and I will find time to call and chat.

Torben - Thank you for the compliments. Yes 4 Goldflakes is something I haven't seen before. I told my wife we need to pick 2 to move to the display tank, and now she says, "No, I like the 4 outside - you go find 2 more for inside". Since the last update I have added a pair of Golden Angels and a trio of multi-bar that I am baby sitting for someone. With all those angels outside other than losing a couple of frags of zoas that corals are doing fantastic and nothing is being nibbled on.

Lifeoffaith -- Those bins are called Tomato bins. I have a several extras I have been trying to find homes for.

Here is an update on the fish in the display tank.

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7FiZlzVNnQ4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dave B
Great video Dave!

For the livestream: how far you placed the Axis camera away from the tank? I really like how you can look at the tank anywhere you want.

Also, while the clarity and the zoom functions are really great, the video is a little choppy. is that due to the server hosting the video? does it cost money to keep a livestream going?

thanks! I'm not very internet/tech savy. I'll need to hire someone to install a system

The Axis on the tank is only 10' away. It has the ability to look all the way across the help but I have the view limited so the wife and I can still have fun downstairs.

The choppy video depends on the connection and how many users are watching the camera. I only have a 5mb upstream connection. It cues 25 users for control, but it can have up to 50+ people watching the stream at one time. Each additional user grabs some bandwidth.

After I add a new video to Youtube, I can get as many as 2000 views in a day on the camera from all over the world. So the traffic can bog it down a bit.

It's not really that much of a system to install. The camera just sits across from the tank. You hook it up to your network and it's running (for in house).

Getting web access requires having either static IP's or using a Dynamic DNS service - This allows you to get to the camera from any internet connected device.

Tony, you got all the cool toys - next time you are up this way you have to visit the house.

Dave B
Thanks Dave! I definitely will visit. been wanting to check out your systems!

I got everything until the static IP and DSN server lol.. that part I will leave to the pros. I'll look into this camera once I get some fish going :)
Just say no to LED's

Just say no to LED's

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TeNV72FL0T8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
love that Goldflake!

I'm trying to stock up on small fish too. Can you recommend some Angels that are more on the reef safe side? thanks!