Hi o2manyfish - another great video. Lots of questions but probably won't ask most, lol. I have to say I stopped by and watched the webcam a while back but had to stop. Felt like a stalker because I was on a conference call, chilling, and has it went on, and I spent time watching your tank, I started looking at the art work on the walls and other decorations about. Then I was like no, no, no - just look at the tank. Then I remember that someone could walk by - so that was it for me.
Are you running any form of solar? In your neck of the woods I'd bet you would have a good 6 - 7 hour windows of great generation. Still not sold on the efficiency of most panels but we ended up throwing it on our house. Have to say it is helping a bit but nowhere positive and selling back - it is more of just a buffer.
Anyway one thing that hits me every time is when you mention the outside air, dirt, quality of fish and corals mother nature has a way of handling that. I think we sometimes try and keep the tanks too clean and not let the dirt, silt, and other nastiness run its course. Just came back from a few dives and I have to say I saw some very healthy coral and fish yet the wreck I was diving was iron, lots of standing silt, and low current. Yet the size of the fish and corals are amazing. 90 feet and I'm seeing the fattest and largest Kole Tangs ever. Really neat. Your outside cabinet area reminded me of some of the ocean floors I was over. Same with the iron rim.
Wonder if bugs and larve are any part of your outside tanks success?
You didn't mention your Xenia! Just kidding, love the stuff. All in all a very natural looking tank with a good mixture of corals and fish. Oh, last question. You do have a lot of fish. By any chance are some of what you put in also responsible for keeping pests in check?
A mini food chain in your living room

Welcome to Cali, right? Up North we are also in the 100 - 106 range. Thanks again for sharing.