o2manyfish 750g Tank, 1500g System "Built" Thread

SFSuphysics, The Axis camera feeds directly to the viewer.

I tried a couple of streaming services (like cam streamer) but they want $500+ for a license. I spent enough money on the camera I don't see a reason to buy a license just so the public gets a better streaming experience.If it were free then I would do it.... :)

Dave B
Just wondering if those are the glitches that you speak of, I mean if I view it it looks great, if me plus 99 other RC members view it, chances are you don't quite have that level of bandwidth to allow HD video.

Could possible feed through Youtube, I know they have live streaming now and I think that's free, but either way as long as you're happy with what you got :) (and I sure as hell would be :D)
BTW nice video, grabbed myself a drink, had a sit back and enjoyed watching the whole thing.

I really love your "85% completion is good enough if it works" mentality :D Unfortunately I'm like that, but for my next tank I really REALLY need to break that habit, living 300 miles north of you the electricity is just as high, and possibly worse off because I'm not expected to use much electricity. Heat isn't a problem for tanks, but 50-60 degree ambient temperature year round is.
Hi o2manyfish - another great video. Lots of questions but probably won't ask most, lol. I have to say I stopped by and watched the webcam a while back but had to stop. Felt like a stalker because I was on a conference call, chilling, and has it went on, and I spent time watching your tank, I started looking at the art work on the walls and other decorations about. Then I was like no, no, no - just look at the tank. Then I remember that someone could walk by - so that was it for me. :)

Are you running any form of solar? In your neck of the woods I'd bet you would have a good 6 - 7 hour windows of great generation. Still not sold on the efficiency of most panels but we ended up throwing it on our house. Have to say it is helping a bit but nowhere positive and selling back - it is more of just a buffer.

Anyway one thing that hits me every time is when you mention the outside air, dirt, quality of fish and corals mother nature has a way of handling that. I think we sometimes try and keep the tanks too clean and not let the dirt, silt, and other nastiness run its course. Just came back from a few dives and I have to say I saw some very healthy coral and fish yet the wreck I was diving was iron, lots of standing silt, and low current. Yet the size of the fish and corals are amazing. 90 feet and I'm seeing the fattest and largest Kole Tangs ever. Really neat. Your outside cabinet area reminded me of some of the ocean floors I was over. Same with the iron rim.

Wonder if bugs and larve are any part of your outside tanks success?

You didn't mention your Xenia! Just kidding, love the stuff. All in all a very natural looking tank with a good mixture of corals and fish. Oh, last question. You do have a lot of fish. By any chance are some of what you put in also responsible for keeping pests in check?

A mini food chain in your living room :) Welcome to Cali, right? Up North we are also in the 100 - 106 range. Thanks again for sharing.
Morning coffee with Angels

Morning coffee with Angels

Hi Guys, (and dolls)

Yesterday my gluttony got the best of me and I added a second Goldflake to the outdoor frag tank.

I want the Goldflakes in the main display tank, but I am enjoying them outside so much.

I went out to check on the new arrival this morning, and was just really happy to see how good the tank and fish are looking outside. So I made another quick video.

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qxXfa2xrJbc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dave B
@Dave.M - Lol.

@o2manyfish - nice. Love the second part when you admitted no more recording but still walked around and did it anyway :)

How long have you hand the clam?
Awesome reef story, with many ups and downs but a good end :-)
If you don't mind some questions for the NSL of your frag tank. You mentioned that you noticed x3 growth rate, comparing to your DT. How many hours of direct sunlight, does your frag tank, gets in summer and winter? Did you notice any stop of growth ,during the winter? Do you supplement with artificially light during winter except the 30w actinic?

Thanks in advance

Awesome reef story, with many ups and downs but a good end :-)
If you don't mind some questions for the NSL of your frag tank. You mentioned that you noticed x3 growth rate, comparing to your DT. How many hours of direct sunlight, does your frag tank, gets in summer and winter? Did you notice any stop of growth ,during the winter? Do you supplement with artificially light during winter except the 30w actinic?

Thanks in advance

Please feel free to share your reef story,your routines,your ups and downs and your successes or not,with us,like dave and all the other do :thumbsup:
Sharing our misfortunes or good days, is the most important part of the hobby.
True knowledge passed on.
Amazing vid dave,thanks for sharing:beer:
Have my tank get some natural light too,not directly though.Have a vid too with it but i don't want to hijack your thread:)
New corals always show to get a bit shocked when the sun hits them but after a couple of months of being a bit bleached they get used to it and get their color back.
I'm on page 3...and you got me hooked already. I've never seen this thread before, and I'm so excited I found it. I love that you do most everything yourself, and I hope I someday have a tank even half as nice as yours.
Hello Everyone,

Tank has been doing really well recently. Currently on the hunt to try to catch a Giant Black Clawed crab in the tank. Found a huge shed shell recently and lost some valuable fish. But corals are doing well and growing well.

Working on cleaning up the outside frag system and tanks.

Installed a webcam on the outside frag tanks. Check out the frag tank Live --- remember it's outside, so if the sun is down in California you won't see much

Webcam for Frag tank

Webcam for Fish Tank


Dave B
You sir win the internet for those webcams. I especially love the drop down menu, want to see your giant clam? bam pan, zoom, perfect, oregon tort frags, zip whammo.
Hey Guys,

The revamp of the outdoor system continues. Making big strides in cleaning up the electrical. This week's projects included a new light/fan rack for over the frag tank as well as a new outdoor control box for the Apex controls. And some sexy touchless switches so I can shut the pumps off without my hands getting wet.

The new frag tank webcam seems to be working well. Trying to make access to the webcams easier.

Display tank webcam o2manyfish.com/webcam

Fragtank webcam o2manyfish.com/fragtank

Still have plenty of Xenia to donate. Hit me up if you want some.

Dave B

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KkZLiCixoQE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
O2Many - you may have answered this already, is so I apologize. How is rainfall handled? I don't remember how much rainfall you guys get yearly but I can't imagine it being like up North here. I'm guessing less than 20"?

Does it float on top like what happens in a estuary? Or do your power heads or other circulation move enough water to actually mix it in - or go over the overflow into the sump and get mixed in?

The fish and corals really don't care about the rain, they are already wet :)

Our rainfall is pretty minimal. We have been in a drought for 30+ years.

The amount of exposed surface area in relation to the size of the system means rain is no big deal.

And with the surface area I do have, even on a rainy day I evaporate as much as 10 gallons.

There is so much flow in each exposed tank and the rainfall is so slow, That the water is always mixed.

For the expected El Nino this past winter I did buy some Eazy Up tents to cover the tanks just to be prepared. But we never needed them.

Dave B
Hi Guys,

Shot some video of just the reef tank. I have been fighting my calcium reactor for months and finally have some stability with my ALK. I think the corals in the tank are looking okay but not amazing at the moment. I also have a number of corals with some STN issues. A couple of them I know why, and I couple of them I have no idea.

But until I know everything is stable for a few weeks I'm not going to start pulling my hair out. And the outside tanks the corals are flourishing and I haven't lost any frags.

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/c0VZQQrY8Yk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hopefully I will get to meet lots of you at MACNA next weekend. I will be there the whole weekend and helping some vendors do setup. If you're heading to MACNA let's make sure we meet up and put faces with screen names.

Dave B

Dave B