o2manyfish 750g Tank, 1500g System "Built" Thread

Neptune PMUP Fail 05.jpg

Dave B

Some products do have failure. However, pumps are not one I wouldn't expect. Manufactures should know small creatures will try and make that area home (with intent or on accident). I had a pump a few years back run into similar issues with the blades snapping off. Ended up being a wide spread issue and they redesigned it. Never bought a pump from them again.

To me those blades look weak and a source of failure - just my opinion anyway having seen a similar issue with another brand.
Wow, this is an all time favorite thread. Great story, love the outdoor frag tank and filtration, great videos too. Your dedication through the ups and downs is just awesome.

Now how bout an easy question if you don't mind :). I could probably think of many haha.

Are you set on LED's? Like there is no going back to MH or T5's? It's an old debate but the Radion is a fantastic light after all. Or a Mitra or a Kessil or the list goes on, lots of great Led's out there.

Thanks and all the best
I live in Los Angeles and after the 94 Northridge Earthquake I bought an emergency generator.

In the past 23 years I had to use the generator 2x. In the past 6 months I have had to use it 8x.

The last 2 weeks of June, when the weather was over 100 degrees the power went out twice.

The first time I was home.

On June 26th, i was on vacation.....

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Gv4xZk5MMVQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

We live and learn. New 22kw Generac autostart generator with 200amp auto transfer switch has been delivered. Now hopefully I can get it hooked up before LADWP fails again.

Dave B
Wow! Just gutted to hear of your losses. The Generac run off natural gas is a good start towards self-sufficiency, but maybe a solar and/or wind installation might be worthwhile, as well.

He is in a good area for solar but the age old question comes up - input vs output (generation). Then of course the issue is if you are net positive how to store it - Tesla units one example.

O2 - sorry to hear about the power issues and loss. I lost my whole tank in a similar experience back in 2000 - 2001. Same deal. Vacation, summer, back to back brown outs. Main difference for me is that I had Enron controlling Northern California's power that lead to my tanks demise :(

Not sure if there is any good news other than your tank was not a total loss. Continue being an amazing and inspirational person.
Hey Guys,

On the heels of the huge loss of fish last week, an article was published in a French Reef Keeping Magazine about my aquarium.

If you speak French, please feel free to let me know what they wrote about me... Ha Ha




Dave B
Hi O2 - how is everything going post outage?

Didn't know if it was an option but are you going to move any fish from the outside tank into the house aquaria? Also, do you buy your fish local or on-line?
Wow, It was slow at job so I just went through the whole thread, it was roller coaster ride ups and downs, But they way you handled situations and kept going is the motivation for others, Amazing looking tank, I just shut my 350 gallon tank due to construction at my place and I have decided to update and having 800 gallon tank built onsite, it will sit in my sun room and I had doubts running reef with sunlight but watching videos of your frag tank gave me courage to try this, I live in NY I looked at your cam videos and tank look amazing ... Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge with us Dave,

We moved the pair of Goldflake Angels and the Pair of Misbarred Yellow belly regal angels from the outdoor frag tank into the display tank a week after the disaster and they are doing well.

I replaced the yellow tangs and got a juvenile achilles for the wife a month ago.

I got some ORA assesors, Arabian Pseudochromis and Sankeyi. 4 of the assessors were seen for the first time this afternoon before the lights came on.

And today I was lucky and found a venustus and a juvenile flameback angel. They are settling in in the overflow of the outdoor frag tank.

Saf1 to replace my fish I don't purchase online. I only purchase my fish in person. If I can't see the fish and watch how it moves I don't buy it, unless it's coming from a collector that I know.

Ravi.... So glad to be an inspiration. If you have any questions about the outdoor experience feel free to send me a PM and we can have a phone conversation.
Grafting a Grafted Monti

Grafting a Grafted Monti

o2manyfish grafted monti - aug10.jpg

I have been growing out a few of the grafted Monti colonies for several years. My Monti mountain started as frags of Red, Grafted, Purple, Leng Sy, and an Aussie Blue rim. As the mountain has grown over the past years some plates outgrew others and now I have to trim them because there just isn't room to go further. Last year I broke out a section of grafted and through it in the outside frag tank. Well I was delighted to see that the grafted cap actually fused back into a green cap. Now a little over a year later that section has grown out and turned into a really neat piece. The photos of the double graft were shot under blue light outside. The areas that look purple are actually red. But the sections that look red are bright orange. And the stripes running up through the purple areas are gold. Really neat to see what mother nature with a touch of lazy reefer can accomplish.

Dave B

o2manyfish grafted monti 2 - aug10.jpg

o2manyfish grafted monti 3 - aug10.jpg

Grafted Mom - aug10.jpg

Grafted Mom 2 - aug10.jpg
Thank you for your reply and amazing colors, You got talent when it comes to keeping and growing SPS brother, very nice close up shots of montis
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Really sad to here about your troubles but great it hasn't put you of rebuilding. Please keep the updates coming.
Hey Dave, with these current heat spikes we are having, do you have something in place in case the power goes out again? People are A/C hogs here when it is hot as it has been the last couple of days.
A Midsummer Nights Dream with Scott Fellman

A Midsummer Nights Dream with Scott Fellman

Hey guys,

Scott Fellman, Algaeguy, stopped by last week to help me catch some angels.

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xEavhHPKOwM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dave B
You have several clowns living together. I didn't catch that before, very nice. That one clown is huge! How old is it if you don't mind me asking. Here it is next to your Naso(?) for reference of size. Both are very healthy as always - you do amazing.


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Saf1 - Sorry for the delay in replying - Been a busy month or so. That big clown is one I am baby sitting for Chefzilla who is moving and hasn't set up a new tank yet. I have a lots of clowns in all the tanks.

I think now that most of the clowns are tank raised they are much better suited at living together. I still wouldn't add a Maroon pair, tomato or fire clown. But all the different percs seem to get along well.

In the display tank I have a 6+ year old trio of percs who take turns spawning with each other. And in the display there are about 10 more percs scattered throughout the tank.

Dave B
Hey Guys,

Here is a quick video update of the outdoor frag tank and some new fish I am trying to get settled in to the tank.

Hope you like it!

Dave B
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