o2manyfish - Don't hate just cause my sump might be bigger than your entire system.


I'm working on cleaning up some of the mess of the outside fish tanks. The original filtration system when it was built 15+ years ago there wasn't much information about building a saltwater system to last outdoors in the elements. I've learned a lot.

So now here is the new filtration system up and running.

Dave B
RC Chrome and Google don't seem to be playing well -- Let's see if it works better when loaded via IE

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fATr_WHEtAw?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Dave B
Omg...can you design and build my system? It's for a ten gallon. Lol.

You're system is awesome and I want it!

Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
Nice upgrade Dave!!

How do you have tanks outside? When it rains doesn't it change the salinity?

He has a huge system. With 1000+ gallons and the small amount of rain we get here in So. Cal, the rain wouldn’t effect salinity enough to make a difference and what ever rain water got into the system would evaporate out anyways. Also, that’s just a part of his system. His main 400 gallon display is inside and what’s outside has a relatively small foot print when it comes to rain collection given our minimal rain totals. Plus, he does have an Easy Up Canopy that I’ve seen him put out over his frag tank when heavier rains are forecasted which is next to never here in drought stricken So. Cal.
Nice upgrade Dave!!

He has a huge system. With 1000+ gallons and the small amount of rain we get here in So. Cal, the rain wouldn’t effect salinity enough to make a difference and what ever rain water got into the system would evaporate out anyways. Also, that’s just a part of his system. His main 400 gallon display is inside and what’s outside has a relatively small foot print when it comes to rain collection given our minimal rain totals. Plus, he does have an Easy Up Canopy that I’ve seen him put out over his frag tank when heavier rains are forecasted which is next to never here in drought stricken So. Cal.

Tell the lads up North to build more reservoirs to collect the water next time so it doesn't all run into the ocean :) I think they like trains more so don't expect it to happen anytime soon :(

I had to stop using his video cam on the indoor tank. It was a go-to while on some longer conference calls that I didn't need to pay attention to. I started to feel like a stalker so that ended that. Great system and tanks though.

All of your systems make my little 210 seem like a nano tank - truth. But no hate. Nothing but respect. Great systems with knowledge sharing. Heck, if if wasn't for slief posting something to someone about Otay's I would still be using teflon tape!!!
Dave where do you keep your parameters at.
Last picture I saw you post was when all the smoke from the fires .
Any issues to the system .
Thanks Greg
I would enjoy building a outside system .
I love looking at your tanks. This was a great update on the outdoor system. Do you have cams running on them for people to watch?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How do you have tanks outside? When it rains doesn't it change the salinity?

Slief handled most of your question. With the amount of surface area I have even on a day when it's drizzling I can still evaporate and replace up to 10g (replaced with Kalkwasser).

When they forecast El Nino I do drag out the EZ-up tent. And this past summer we got a heat wave with 105+ temps for over 2 weeks. You know it's hot outside (117) when your equipment is shutting because of over heating just cause it is outside.
I love looking at your tanks. This was a great update on the outdoor system. Do you have cams running on them for people to watch?

I have cameras on it for me to check on it. But they are tied in to my home security system. I am shopping for another Axis PTZ camera for the fish wall and once I get it I will make it public.

I know my fans love watching me walk around with my shirt off while cussing at scrubbing algae... Sexy Beast at his best!

Dave B