Oceanic Half Circle 76G

Well the bacteria needs a surface on which to grow and the balls provide that. You might just be starting the process over when you remove them in a week. Since there seems to be nothing but water, balls and glass in there.
Ah, ok...I am going to buy sand today and remove the balls. I am kinda done looking at glass now and at this point looking at just sand will be an amazing like experience. LOLOL I am so new again you folks are probably amused. :)
This is a new picture today. Bio Balls removed , 40 lbs of live CaribSea Sand and 11LBS of live rock. I know it is not a lot but I have to balance the hobby and the family Budget :)

Back to misty waters LOL
Advice from Reef central Members: Remove Bio Balls (sock in place to be removed eventually)and the little Frog Water Alarm.
I kinda believe there is an importance to listening and taking advice when given as it is intended for your success.
This Morning after Live Sand And a small amount of uncapped live rock. I have to clean glass and plastic of salt residue from filling and filtering.
looks really cool. one of my clients has the same tank put a planted freshy and this will help me pull him into the darkside!
awesome tanks fishpoop and markaren! i stumbled on this thread while searching for circulation ideas for my half circle.. apologies for hijacking :D i'm looking to upgrade my power heads... my two #3 power heads by Koralia (850 GPH each) just aren't cutting it... too much detritus build up. my bio load is pretty heavy and my skimmer kind of sucks, so those things obviously aren't helping matters, but i think better powerheads will be a step in the right direction.

fishpoop, what are you using to turn your evolution 1050's on and off?

also, markaren, i thought i got a great deal on my tank, but i think you beat me. i paid $600 for my 76g half circle after bartering the LFS owner down from $900 by helping him with his website... and mine also came with a decent sump, 330 watts of T-5 lighting, 9.5 mag pump, and a titanium heater - WIN! it has a skimmer too, but like i mentioned, it really needs to be upgraded... espec for my bio-load which is on the heavy side. more $$$$ = :headwalls:

oh, and here's a couple pictures of my setup... my camera is really old, so not the greatest pics, but you get the idea (looks a million times better in person)


ryan, I use an Aquarium Systems Natural Wave Multi-Cycle Pump Timer.

Looks like you have at least one return line on the left which is unusual. Mine has two on the right. I always thought it would be better to have one on each side but never bothered to modify it.
The sump area is a little smaller than I'd prefer but I've got a 24" x 12" x 14" sump and two reactors wedged in there so you can make it work. There is enough room for a 34" x 14" sump but that's about all you'll get..

did you remove the tank and install this through the top of the stand like markaren did, or were you able to wedge it through the doors?
ryan, I use an Aquarium Systems Natural Wave Multi-Cycle Pump Timer.

Looks like you have at least one return line on the left which is unusual. Mine has two on the right. I always thought it would be better to have one on each side but never bothered to modify it.

thanks for the info. been in the market for a wave maker and a controller for quite a while now. like i just asked atomichead, also wondering about your sump... did you install through the top of the stand with the tank off, or through the cabinet doors?
nevermind, i'm stupid :spin2: i just measured my sump and it's about the same as both of yours... 24" long x 10" deep x 16" tall... no need to remove the top with a sump this size. markaren, your sump is inspiring haha.

mine is a wet/dry sump with rubble rock in the center/trickle chamber... looks like i MIGHT be able to fit an octopus 6 (rated for 150 gallons) in the middle chamber in place of the rubble rock, but likely will need to go with the octopus 4 (rated for 100 gallons). since my bio-load is large i want to get a skimmer that's rated for more than 75 gallons.

octopus 4 = 10" x 6.75"
octopus 6 = 12" x 8.5"

biggest chamber in my sump: 11.75" x 9.5"

these beautiful half circle tanks seem to make you work within the constraints of their beauty... but do i regret the purchase? nope.
think i'm starting to hear my echo in this thread. i'm seriously considering swapping out my acrylic sump with a standard 20g long glass tank... would be 30" long x 13" wide x 13" tall which would give me a lot more room for equipment/skimming. tomorrow i'm going to take some measurements and see if i can fit one of these babies in through the front doors of the cabinet.. the doors are easily removable which will give me an extra inch or so. fingers crossed, will keep you guys posted incase anyone cares
update - bought a 20 gallon (long) tank, and it just barely fits through the cabinet doors with one of the doors removed. going to install a couple of baffles asap. overall, will give me quite a bit more room (bigger skimmer!). now hopefully my old sump will move fast on craigslist so i can recoup some of my new expenses... will post some pics of my sump area once it's all setup.
I have been away for a bit while tank gets older. Just two clowns a bottom sifter and a cleaner shrimp.
My father died in July with Hospice and my Mother is in my care now with Hospice now.

So...I have been away. I am going to be getting a xp1000sss skimmer and a new Led system so I can move into more life. I may need to consider dosing of some kind. I did buy a frag for 10 and it lived about a week turning white.

Well, just checking in again. being EXTREMELY patient for a new tank. 7 months now.
So I added some live rock with no particular placement until I drill and fiber rod. I also added the XP2000SSS to replace the Coral life air stone driven (worked ok but not enough)

Picture of XP2000SSS in sump area (not mounted on riser yet)

And a video of the new Live Rock from Tampa Bay Saltwater.<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pNtDfo_kIco" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A video of sump and tank with Live rock before I drill and stack.<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6iJDMOvnvGk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Looking good. I have started the move from the basement to upstairs, so changes coming. What lighting did you end up going with? What type of creatures do you plan on keeping? Keep the pics coming.
looking awesome Mark.

Quick update with my half circle. I installed the baffles on my 20g tank that I'm using as a sump. It's been up and running for a few weeks now. I also replaced my old skimmer with a Super Reef Octopus 1000 w/ Bubble Blaster (SRO1000). Took quite a bit of adjusting to get it tuned in, but now it's running like a champ, pulling a really thick/dark skimmate. Here's some pics of my sump:



i've also done a number of other upgrades which is highlighted by a new Apex controller. thing is awesome! replaced my T-5 bulbs too, going for a more blue look.

inside the tank I have new power heads for more sufficient flow (still not 100% happy with flow), swapped out my sand bed with Caribsea "Special Grade" reef sand (was tired of the sugar fine sand blowing around all over the place), remodeled by aquascape, added some new frags, etc. i'll post some pics of my display asap