WOW. Truly a remarkable tank. The simplest aquascape, beautiful healthy fish and awesome corals. You should be ridiculously proud, I know that didn't happen over night lol.
We will definitely have to stay in touch when I start my build.
May I ask what lighting you use?
Great news. Purchased the tank!
Right when I walked in to this random guys house (from craigs list) I knew this tank was coming home with me lol. I talked him down to $625 (to pay for gas for the trip), but still felt like I got a steal. The deal was for tank, stand, hood, custom sump, all plumbing and return pump. The sump turned out way better than I thought it was going to be. I have a skimmer and powerheads so no need for those. Luckily he had the entire system still up and running with 100+ lbs of live rock so I got to see what it looked like in action. It was beautiful and like I said, no way I was walking out of that house without it lol.
Now the planning starts...
Ryan, I have a few questions for you:
What in the world does your cleaning/maintenance plan look like? It seems you've had this for a long time but yet the tank itself is ridiculously clean. The glass, the plastic overflow and every thing else is spotless...
What GPH rating is your return pump? He gave me his but it seems pretty old and when he had the whole system running before the tear down, it was literally the only thing making noise on the system. I'm thinking with a new pump and appropriate placement it will literally be a silent set-up.
What kind of star fish is that? Haven't really even considered them because I heard most aren't reef-safe.
Lastly, have you ever thought about painting the metallic parts of the stand/hood black?
Ryan, unfortunately your pictures aren't available. When you get the chance would you mind posting them again? I'm starting to plan rockscape and equipment purchasing and I remember your pictures being extremely helpful before.
oops, i must've accidentally deleted the folder they were in on my server. i've readded them so if you refresh they should be appearing again.
It is coming up on 7 years since I set her up. I have learned as mentioned that the back panel particle board indeed swelled. I hate the idea of taking her down again to repair the base but it will probably have to be done.
The tank has hosted many lives and deaths, known guests and surprise guests from live rock. It has been drained once to remove all rock and half of the sand. Rock was cleaned in vinegar and water and then rinsed and sun dried. I left one rock in the shallow water that hosts a sponge from the Gulf of Mexico live rock that she started with. Now as I write my last clown died of old age. I have no live corals on any rocks since the rock cleaning to get rid of pests like bristle worms and such. I miss the feather dusters.
The 25 year old Eheim pump still strong, the Tunze 5017 has worked flawless since new, the RadionXR30W still lights up on it own cycles,the Super Reef Octopus XP-2000SSS works like a dream.
The two MP40's disintegrated into rust a few years ago and I ordered two new MP40W QD