Oceanic Half Circle 76G

called Oceanic to see if they had any ideas for replacing the glass cabinet door hardware, and they found this (from one of their old suppliers)


not sure about you guys but my hardware is super rusty... very psyched to get this in the mail this week. found a coupon code for free shipping too. i can dig it up if anyone is interested.

fishpoop, do you have any pics of your powerheads? would love to see how you setup your circulation.. since i bought this tank i've been struggling to hit the backwalls/corners near the overflow box
Thanks for the link. I see you have made the most out of your sump, nice.

Yesterday was a busy day. My Radion arrived, Gfo and reactor, Mp40W parts to repair.

By the time evening approached I had the Radion programed and must say they could have figured a way to make that easier...but I know how now. and WWWOOOWWWWW....the shimmer. I will never ever be happy with T5 again. I will build my tank around what works with LED and the best part is my LFS is using all Radions too, so any corals I buy will have the same condition when arriving home to help with adjusting (at least it would seem so).

I still have to drill and rod my rock into its final shape. I have my Calcium balanced , my phosphate balanced and will move on to the next readings to learn to care for. Alkalinity is probably next. I know this is a bit one stage at a time but I also know that my tank has no corals,,,just rock and fish so as long as my goal is to keep perfect water I should be ready for corals when I reach the year mark for the tank. I will post pictures of the rock when they are done later this week.
Looking forward to seeing new pics!

Jealous of your MP40's + LED's! Sounds like it's going to be a hell of a setup. On my budget, I don't know if I'll ever be able to justify the cost of the Vortech's, but maybe in a few years time on some used ones, hah! I mostly have softies so I guess I'm not overly concerned about having the best of the best. I am however 100% sold on LED's, just need to wait till it's more realistic financially. I'll probably have some questions for you once I go down that road, specifically about placement within the canopy and what not.

And hey, there's no shame in taking your time like you've been doing... your patience will be rewarded and who knows how much money you will have saved from doing things properly instead of trying to create the ultimate reef over a single weekend... those stories usually don't end well.
yes Patience (i always spell that wrong) has its benefits. I buy nothing new that can not be bought used. I could never afford what I have if I bought new...family comes long before I spent that kinda money. the Vertex Omaga I have on pre order is my first new expense. but i am getting 49.00 off for the pre order :)....I am going to start drilling the rock in a few minutes...gonna open a bottle of wine first, I have been waiting for this part, it is the foundation of the artistic formation for the future inhabitants. corny perhaps , but really , the rocks are what sets the mood.
hey mark, did you end up drilling your rocks/aquascaping? post some pics if you got em! i just got a new camera so here's some updated pics of my setup:










here's my cabinet area again, below... since the last pic I posted of my sump (earlier in the month), I've added a Kent "Aquadose" which is serving as a 2.5 gallon auto-topoff system. It's sitting on a sheet of acrylic on the far right on top of the sump. Since I replaced my T5 bulbs it is insane how much more water is evaporating... glad I finally have an ATO hooked up for this reason, not to mention it's keeping a more consistent salinity which is better for the inhabitants. I installed it to a Eshopps float valve... so far, so good. A buddy actually gave me the Aquadose for free, he also helped me pick out a bunch of my latest equipment and cut/siliconed the the baffles in my sump. It's good to have local friends (and these forums!) for people like myself who haven't been doing this for very long.


As I just mentioned on our local forum, in a perfect world none of my power strips (especially the Apex EB8) would be in the cabinet close to water, but that'll have to wait for another day... I hope to have a nice external stand built that can properly hide everything... until then, I'll run a fan in my sump to keep moisture out during the warmer months, and I have 2 of the 3 sump chambers covered to prevent splash, which is my primary concern (the middle chamber is my fuge, so that's open for light penetration).
WOW, nice ! Thanks for the pics. I like the idea of blocking the glass for the light below. I tried the ATO tank exactly where yours is but it siphons after a pump burst, so I have to figure that out. I don't want the ATO pump to come on if the bucket were to go empty and I also do not want my sump to over fill. i did not drill yet. It took me FOREVER to get the rocks to look right. I will post a nice pic or two to show the personality I decided on. I think my rock moving stressed my tang into Iche and she is just going to have to survive it because I do not believe in spending 400.00 more dollars to maintain a QT just to get iche off a 40 dollar fish. Besides I am not going to put anymore fish in.

I like your sump! I do not have the proper sump to do Chaeto...jealous. By the way I noticed my hinge clamps are rusted too, lol thanks for the link to the new ones.
The tank is still a work in progress. Recently added ATO. You might see from the video the Curved effect almost eliminates the view of seeing the MP40's at the rear of the tank. For HD pause after playing starts and let video buffer. Smart phone view is incredible.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jPVEnD_X-MA?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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aquascape looks great! i'm a fan of the "less rock" look... in my opinion, i think it usually looks better than tanks that are completely full of mountains of rock with minimal swimming room for the fish.

is that a powder blue hiding in the back?
I know this was FOREVER ago, but I NEED to know how your guys' setups are going!! I'm about to purchase this tank this weekend and I have to say this thread was the definite precursor to me doing so. Absolutely excited and I can't wait to start later this year.
Please share more :bounce2:
I know this was FOREVER ago, but I NEED to know how your guys' setups are going!! I'm about to purchase this tank this weekend and I have to say this thread was the definite precursor to me doing so. Absolutely excited and I can't wait to start later this year.
Please share more :bounce2:

glad to hear you're joining the half circle club! we are few and far between. my 2 cents: the look and aesthetic of the tank is amazing - if you're like me and critical about how the tank is going to look in your living area (as far as matching furniture, not having wires all over the place, etc) than this tank will usually pass those tests.. it is super modern and sleek looking. i have a lot of glass furniture and darker colors and the tank fits in like a real piece of high end furniture.

- some people don't like the magnified look that the circular glass presents - it never really bothered me and infact, i kinda like it. people often comment that the fish look like they're "popping out" of the tank.. almost a 3d look.

- i'm not a professional photographer, but photographing the tank is difficult... reflection of the glass, etc. i wouldn't let this be a deal breaker by any means, and i've managed to capture some great shots - will post some updated ones asap.

- FLOW! this drove me nuts for a long time... with the 76g version there is a center overflow with 1 return. i experimented with a lot of different powerheads before finding something i liked/was creating minimal dead spots... currently using 2 Jebao 25's on "Low" mode... it seems to do the job, so long as your sand isn't too fine (will blow all over the place otherwise) and so long as you don't have giant mountains of live rock blocking large areas of your sandbed. go with minimal rock work if possible - it usually looks nicer and will give your fish more swimming room.

- lighting - i first ran T5's, which nicely fit in the canopy with no need to hang from the ceiling, etc. they gave pretty decent coverage but i think some reefers may be more critical than me about these types of things. i upgraded to LEDs a couple years back - photon 32 model from reefbreeders. again, decent coverage for my expectations and all of my coral responded pretty well. since reefbreeders only make hanging kits (last i checked, no legs/stands) i DIY'd some legs via strong snapping style velcro to 2x4's (lol) to prop the fixture a few inches off the top of the tank... although it looks kind of ridiculous, it does the job and the canopy completely hides the fixture. Note: it's a BAD idea to lay the fixture directly on top of the tank/using the black plastic trim as your brace.. the LEDs started to melt the plastic trim before I came up with the ingenious (heh) idea to velcro the 2x4's/give the light some breathing room.

- mag floats - due to the curve, i would avoid them. use a cheap scrubber brush instead, or CAREFULLY use a single razor blade by hand.

- plumbing/filtration - in the 76g version a standard 20g tank JUST fits inside the stand as a sump if you remove the doors (very easy to remove the doors, just a couple of crews). if you removed the tank from the stand, i believe you could possibly fit something larger - i think markaren in this thread may be using a 40g or something close to that? A 20g should give you just enough room to play with.. i chambered mine off into 3 sections - first for the skimmer, 2nd for a fuge with macro, and third for my return pump. It works perfectly, although having more room would be nice. My ATO tank (5g Kent) sits on top of my sump and all of my cords and wires, including an apex energy bar and power module are mounted in the corners of the inside of the stand. Literally the only piece of equipment you can see on mine is my chiller, which many people don't even use.

there's probably a bunch of other things i'm forgetting but this should at least get you started.

Bottom line: it's a beautiful tank and it's very unique... but it requires a lot of extra effort in comparison to your standard size. I would do it again if I started over (at least if I was sticking to the same gallon range) - the compliments the tank gets is pretty awesome, not to mention having something different than a standard rectangle or bowfront. I'll post updated photos asap - the ones I previously posted in this thread are severely outdated (but really neat to see how far you can come in the reefing world after a couple years!)

best of luck
YES! Thank you for responding Ryan, that was the perfect little welcome message to inform me of some very important stuff. Luckily, I'm buying this as a complete system from someone on Craigslist.
He's had it for about 2 years and has loved every second of it. It comes with Aquarium, stand, hood and custom sump built by him. He doesn't remember the size of the sump but it seems to fit in there pretty snug so I'm guessing it's 20-30 gall (that was his guess too).
He's starting at $650, but said that isn't firm. I have to drive 2 hrs. to check it out, so I'm going to try and talk him down as much as possible. He priced it with the MH lights and live rock and I won't need either of those so I'm hoping to get him down to the low-mid 5's. I'm a broke college student, and I have signed for a job once I graduate in May. Of which, I'll be moving to another state for training for three months and then again this October to my final new destination. I saw this listing on Craigslist and figured I couldn't miss the opportunity for that price. The only thing is, it's gonna kill me having the tank in my possession but yet having to wait 6 months to get things actually started lol. But as you know, there are many many positives to planning a tank months before even beginning the cycle. However it'll still be pretty easy for me as this comes as a complete setup (great for me as I have little experience with plumbing and currently run a surprisingly really successful sumpless nano-tank).
But anyways, thanks! and I CANNOT wait to see your updated pics.
Cheers :)
YES! Thank you for responding Ryan, that was the perfect little welcome message to inform me of some very important stuff. Luckily, I'm buying this as a complete system from someone on Craigslist.
He's had it for about 2 years and has loved every second of it. It comes with Aquarium, stand, hood and custom sump built by him. He doesn't remember the size of the sump but it seems to fit in there pretty snug so I'm guessing it's 20-30 gall (that was his guess too).
He's starting at $650, but said that isn't firm. I have to drive 2 hrs. to check it out, so I'm going to try and talk him down as much as possible. He priced it with the MH lights and live rock and I won't need either of those so I'm hoping to get him down to the low-mid 5's. I'm a broke college student, and I have signed for a job once I graduate in May. Of which, I'll be moving to another state for training for three months and then again this October to my final new destination. I saw this listing on Craigslist and figured I couldn't miss the opportunity for that price. The only thing is, it's gonna kill me having the tank in my possession but yet having to wait 6 months to get things actually started lol. But as you know, there are many many positives to planning a tank months before even beginning the cycle. However it'll still be pretty easy for me as this comes as a complete setup (great for me as I have little experience with plumbing and currently run a surprisingly really successful sumpless nano-tank).
But anyways, thanks! and I CANNOT wait to see your updated pics.
Cheers :)

when this tank was first manufactured, i believe it was only available commercially from oceanic, and the 76g model was priced around 2k. if it's in decent shape with no nasty scratches than i would say you're getting a great deal in the $500-$600 range, especially with lights, a sump, and live rock.

i hear ya about having to wait on setting up a tank - it's brutal playing the waiting game, and i think many of us reefers have made big mistakes by not being patient in the early stages. your patience will usually be rewarded though - and your wallet will thank you if you don't spend a ton of money all at once!

as you know, craigslist can be a great resource for diamonds in the rough as far as cheap equipment and even coral... you just need to weed through a lot of the junk. some people will tell you that it's best to save up and buy all of the best equipment from the getgo - while that's not bad advice (i have a "fish room" full of garbage equipment from my early reefing days) i also think there's value in starting out with lower end or at least middle of the road type equipment while you're still learning and getting a feel for things.
top right corner of the inside of my stand (behind my ato container)




birds eye of my sump below... the far right-side chamber is where the return pump is housed - it's mostly hidden from my ato container and the little stand i built for it (didn't want 5 gallons of water constantly sitting directly on top of the sump):

return pump chamber:

here you can see the entire stand below. i forgot to mention in my previous post that if you run a refugium, the glass doors on your stand are completely see-through, and therefore, anytime your sump light is on you will be illuminating all of the components that a stand normally hides! no idea why occeanic went with this type of design, but some black Krylon (for plastic) spray paint will take care of this issue.


