Oceanic, where to buy?


New member
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew where the best place is to buy Oceanic aquariums online? I'm planning for a 90 or a 175g oceanic aquarium and was primarily interested in the reef ready, bowfront aquariums. It's a big difference in size, but the decision will be based on costs and maintenance costs, for the most part...:) Thanks!
Any LFS in your area should carry them or be able to order them. Central Pet owns oceanic (Now changed name to Aqeon (SP?)). Central delivers nationwide to pet stores and wholesalers. Might also compare to lee mar tanks, IMO much better quality then Oceanic.
We've heard the same thing about Oceanic & their quality going south since the merger. We have a 125 Oceanic built in 2001 thats solid as a rock (knock on wood) and has the heavy glass (1/2"+). Had a few 55's that came with the thinner glass and they split or leaked, bought a All-Glass with the thick glass and 10+ yrs later its still good as well. Heard (+) comments on the Lee-Mar aquariums as well, but no practical experience using them as we mostly used All-Glass until the Oceanic 125. Also see what people think about Perfecto - heard some good things about them as well...good-luck...We stopped at a 125 for now due to budget$ and space consideration - but like you've probably read about go for the largest system that you can afford - bigger systems give a bit more 'grace' before they crash & burn... :)
Oh, okay, I guess I'll start looking at other companies then. Does Lee Mar tanks have a website with their tanks? I couldn't find it when I tried searching for it.
leemarpet.com, but it's not to informative pics wise. They are in San Diego and ship weekly to LFS's in California, Arizona, Nevada, and new Mex. They offer starphire upgrades, diamond edge, etc.
The old Oceanic custom tank builders started their own company after the merge called Deep Sea Aquatics. They have a 7 yr warranty on their stainless steel tanks that covers house damage. It should never leak and they build quality stuff. I am in the process of installing my 295 from them.