Octopus XP-2000 Cone Skimmer In Stock (Immediate Shipping!)

It was Running fine since my last Post, after the I took it apart to look at the parts ( Which had no Blockage) , just to come Home to a overflowing Skimmer once again!!!!! This is starting to tick me off.
It's been running for way longer than two weeks so I would Guess it's broken in by now!!!!
I had the water level set Really low this time too!
Lost me on this one Tang! Intake of the Pump face's me thru the front of the Sump, Outlet behind Skimmer aimed to the Right, downstream to sump and return pump.
Well, FWIW, After some discussion with David from Coralvue, And After I sent him some info and Pics of sump set up, he came to the conclusion that the problem is back Pressure on the skimmer due to the outlet being submerged.
He suggested lifting the skimmer another 1.5".
He Stated the water must pour back in above water level, or flooding will occur.
I checked with a friend that has a ITECH 200 Running flawlessly on his set up, and sure enough, the outlet on the ITECH is above sump level.
I'll raise it up today and report back the Result.
Hey Jeremy, I wanted to get a new skimmer and wanted to know if the xp2000 cone SR can handle a heavy bio load for a 125 gallon tank?

The XP2000 would be perfect for a 125gal system. You might also consider taking a look at the Extreme 200, as well as the Super Reef Octopus 2000 and 3000, which are all in the same pricing range as the XP2000.
I looked at the SRO 2000 and 3000. I don't want to overkill with the skimmer and tank size they are rated for but can a SRO 2000 handle a heavily stocked 125-150 gallon tank? The 3000 is 50$ more but just wanted to know if I really need the 3000 over the 2000 for my tank size.
The 2000 should be enough for your system but maybe getting a 3000 would be a better choice in case you upgrade, it's only a $50 difference.