Off to Orlando - without my tank...

Anyone who wants anything is more than welcome to give me a ring. I am packing most of the day today and tomorrow as well.

As far as equipment... i have three tanks the 29 display drilled center overflow (its a cool custom overflow ask WLDSHARK, the 20 long tank, and the 5.5 gallon - all with black painted backs and that is about it... i am keeping the pumps and 150w mh for a frag tank in the future..

I am in talks with someone on the zoas and blenny but really at this point it is on a first come first serve basis. I just want to make sure everything gets a good home before I bounce on saturday... The rocks/tank will be fine, but the livestock needs somewhere to go.
The set up is real nice... the way the overflow is set up it adds more room in the tank for corals and rocks...
The rocks for $3.00/lb are a steel (decent size and shapes)... they are cover in different color coralline. with some nice deep purples…
Good luck with the sale and the moved Matt.
They Gotta GO!!

nobody called or came by yesterday... i am around tonight... and ill probably be up late packing...

Hey Matt, are those tanks sitting on a metal stand or a piece of furniture?
I know the footprint is exactly the same for both to sit perfectly on a metal over/under stand, but I forgot to look when I was there.

Btw, Lumby and Rubby are both doing well and seem very happy to share food and space with their new purple firefish tankmate.

Let me know if you can't get rid of anything and I'll meet you at the Turnpike Commercial exit on your way up to take it off your hands and sell/buy/hold it/them for you.
You have my # but in case it got misplaced in the packing (954) 242-5317
The tanks are on a custom (read as: DIY) wood stand painted black... its serves its purpose but isnt too pretty...

great to hear the clowns are doing well... I appreciate the offer, and if I really cant find a home for anything I'll give you a call... as of right now the only thing with no interest at all is the flameback angel...
Jeeez, I would love that fish!! I told you if you need me to hold it, Im a hop and a skip away, I can sell it for you or you can pick it up in the future... I just want to make sure he ends up safe...
.... um... i leave in the morning... so far no official responses

ive gotten a few msgs that ask me to drive to other people.... and with the packing i REALLY dont have time to be driving out of my way to drop off fish or corals, nor do i really have any bags left... lol

EVerything that is left (29 drilled, 20 long, 5.5 gallon, rocks, dry sand) is now BEST OFFER

I am turning in the key to my miami apartment sunday night so I need someone to come by and buy this stuff for ANY PRICE so I dont have to throw it away.

Please make the offers decent because i'm not looking to get screwed but I really dont want to waste perfectly good stuff by tossing it in the garbage. I wont be online so any offers or questions should come in the form of a phone call to my cell: 305 491 3766

Ill be at the apartment late tonight and again I leave sunday evening so I need it gone before then.
Matt...if it's not gone, i'm happy to hold onto it for you until a later date when you can pick it up. Give me a call: 786-293-6111...I can swing by tomorrow and get it.

29 gone, 5.5 gallon gone, sand gone...

20 long and about 40lbs of rock left... the stuff from the display is very purple the stuff from the sump is alive but not so colorful. tons of pods, etc... ill even throw in my turbos and hermits to the rock buyer because they need to go too...

I just happened to be at panera with my laptop but I dont have internet at the apartment so please PLEASE call my CELL PHONE

305 491 3766