So I have another strange thing going on I would like some input about.
I have an electric blue legged hermit that has fallen in love with a monti cap. The cap is shaped like a champagne flute and that damn crab is always in it. I am afraid it may be snacking on polyps, so I pull it out and toss it in the other end of the tank (7+ feet away). Then a while later it's back wedged in again! So I have removed him 4 times in the last 3 days...any thoughts on this? Are they known to eat polyps?
Well I am losing the rest of the elegance. It is indeed strange that SPS does quite well in my tank but not LPS. In fact I don't do well with polyps and ricordia either. But the SPS just seem to do quite well.
It could be a flow issue. LPS don't need the flow that SPS thrive in, which is why in nature you don't see these types of corals in the same proximity.
I find that the more dominant hermits will hunker down in a favorite coral just before a molt. I have an electric blue and a big'ol crusty looking scarlet that do this. I had a Halloween hermit that did it too. The smaller hermits just seem to hide anywhere for good molt. I don't think they do any real harm.
JMO no science was utilized in rendering that observation.
Interesting thought though BAX. It was in the cap for 3 days...and I noticed it got all the way to the spot where the cap was yesterday. :lol: Then I taunted it...that could be bad Kharma!
nice did you build that for me? how is the rest of the tank doing? Are you planning on Scott Michael in three weekends? Remember I am in CA from the 6th to the 12th. I might bring stuff back with me.
I am excited to have him. I have heard tons of other speakers but never him. If you want to know anything about fish he is the guy. I want to ask him all my crazy questions about angels. BTW my Regal now eats flake easily. 3 weeks to get him to.
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