OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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So I have another strange thing going on I would like some input about.

I have an electric blue legged hermit that has fallen in love with a monti cap. The cap is shaped like a champagne flute and that damn crab is always in it. I am afraid it may be snacking on polyps, so I pull it out and toss it in the other end of the tank (7+ feet away). Then a while later it's back wedged in again! So I have removed him 4 times in the last 3 days...any thoughts on this? Are they known to eat polyps?
I had one that wouldn't stay out of my Blue Stag Horn. Finally after 3 days of constant removal I banished him to the fuge.
Well I am losing the rest of the elegance. It is indeed strange that SPS does quite well in my tank but not LPS. In fact I don't do well with polyps and ricordia either. But the SPS just seem to do quite well. :confused:
It could be a flow issue. LPS don't need the flow that SPS thrive in, which is why in nature you don't see these types of corals in the same proximity.
I suppose that's right, but I place my LPS in relatively low flow areas of the tank. And before I got the Vortechs, the entire tank was low flow.
I find that the more dominant hermits will hunker down in a favorite coral just before a molt. I have an electric blue and a big'ol crusty looking scarlet that do this. I had a Halloween hermit that did it too. The smaller hermits just seem to hide anywhere for good molt. I don't think they do any real harm.

JMO no science was utilized in rendering that observation. :)
Interesting thought though BAX. It was in the cap for 3 days...and I noticed it got all the way to the spot where the cap was yesterday. :lol: Then I taunted it...that could be bad Kharma!
Here is a couple shots of my multi-reactor at startup:


The black effluent line is temporary and I haven't built my media baskets yet.


You can see more about it in this thread.
Wow! That's nice... I'll have to read the whole build thread on it a little later.
nice did you build that for me? how is the rest of the tank doing? Are you planning on Scott Michael in three weekends? Remember I am in CA from the 6th to the 12th. I might bring stuff back with me.
Tank is doing great except for the elegance. Who is Scott Michael???

My folks will be in town starting on the 6th for a week, but we should talk before you go.
Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Well, I have a terrible memory. What's his area of expertease?

FISH!!! And everything to do with fish!!!

He's a fish god! :lol:

Very good speaker to go listen to.
I am excited to have him. I have heard tons of other speakers but never him. If you want to know anything about fish he is the guy. I want to ask him all my crazy questions about angels. BTW my Regal now eats flake easily. 3 weeks to get him to.
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