our fish are like pigs with fins
. Very healthy also, so I know what you mean about being happy with that piece of the puzzle
.. but I am pushing for more color from our corals currently... I am going to be pulling the tripod and a better lens out for our camera this week to see if I can get pictures that better represent the state of our reef, then you will see what I mean
. Wish you were a little closer, I would love to swing by and see your tank in person
I also should check out your web page.. I admit to not having made it there yet
. How are things going with your Ca reactor ? I seemed to recall that you had an alk spike or something along those lines ? (*too lazy to click back through the posts*). Has everything stabilized ?
8 X 5... drool. I look at the bigger tanks (than ours).. like yours, Barts and a few others and I get a little envious.. but I stop and realize that with our setup I couldn't have gone with a bigger tank if I wanted to (Without going with a bigger house). That helps to curb my envy a little (since reality is just that, reality
, and I gave up "wishing on a star" ages ago
). But one day we may have a place that would allow us to have a tank like yours
. My wife already talked about wanting to build an addition onto the house just for a bigger tank *hehehe*.. but I think we will wait until we move into a new house to upgrade tanks again (one of these days). Until then I get to live vicariously through your reef