OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

I wish...the weird thing about corals in a tank this size, is that they don't look very big. Some of the colonies I have are quite large by normal standards, but look teeny in this tank.
I wish I had your problem with a100 gallon display.hahahah...All the extra room... Something to look forward to. I just need to fill up the 300 and give myself an excuse. hhahahaha

have you thought about adding a pillar or 2 or are you just going to wait for your next setup.
Physically I can barely do regular maintenence, so currently the answer is "no". I realize my aquascaping would be considered pretty bad by most reef keepers, but I still have a long-term plan of filling it with corals over the GSM's dead body, and of course, building a new system. Plus, those rocks are HEAVY!. :rolleyes:
Not too bad Jeff and thanks. Back is still giving me fits. Reef is OK.

That's weird...did a mod go through all xXReefXx's posts and determine which ones were just fluff? And do they really care that much? What do I care, except for all the annoying email notifications? I have learned to just ignore posts from people I never heard of when I see a whole bunch pop up like that.

I feel honored that post 100 was here! :rolleyes: :lol:
Yes, they care that much. ;) Imagine a world full of good people that help make threads more interesting, that contribute to the knowledge pool and aren't simply trying to sell something to others. :rolleyes:

Plus there really isn't room for another post whore here on RC. ;)
For Marc, some snow shots...

Front yard:




First prints of the morning:


Looks like a lovely place to live. Thanks for the snow. :D

Why is there a red ladder going up into a tree (front of the house shots)?

At first, I thought that big lump in the background was your car buried in snow. :eek2: :lol:
What is the big lump? I, like Marc, thought it was a car, 'cause that is a pretty normal sight around here.
Hardly Chuck! :lol:

Red ladder is one my son scavenged off an old bunk bed. He uses it for tree access. And the big lump is a granite boulder, a little smaller than a small car.
I am lazy too...that's why I love AWD. :D

My folks live on the Pamlico in NC and they still get snow there.