What's the oldest fish you've had (or currently have) from juvenile to adult? Must be marine and 3 yrs or older to qualify 
Curious to know the following:
- Type of fish:
- Size:
- How many different tanks did it live in or how many moves did it survive?
- Additional Notes:
I'd start but I've never had a fish for more than 4 years and it was a tropical angel... My current longest living marine is a mere 9 months (oc. clown).
I'm interested to see who has (has had) the oldest fish

Curious to know the following:
- Type of fish:
- Size:
- How many different tanks did it live in or how many moves did it survive?
- Additional Notes:
I'd start but I've never had a fish for more than 4 years and it was a tropical angel... My current longest living marine is a mere 9 months (oc. clown).
I'm interested to see who has (has had) the oldest fish