Oldest fish you've had?


New member
What's the oldest fish you've had (or currently have) from juvenile to adult? Must be marine and 3 yrs or older to qualify :)

Curious to know the following:

- Type of fish:

- Size:

- How many different tanks did it live in or how many moves did it survive?

- Additional Notes:


I'd start but I've never had a fish for more than 4 years and it was a tropical angel... My current longest living marine is a mere 9 months (oc. clown).

I'm interested to see who has (has had) the oldest fish :cool:
I have had my picasso trigger for 5 years. I got him when he was 4 inches long, and he is now 12.
He first started is life in my 55 gallon tank until I bought my 125, he is in there now.

There is one guy on RC who has a reef tank that is over 30 years old, I would like to hear what his oldest fish is.
a yellow tang for three years one move and a severe amonia spike( he was the only fish to survive it)
I have a Coral Beauty in my tank. It came from my friends tank. He has had it for over 11 years and I have had it for 1. It has been in 2 different tanks. My friends octagon tank and my 45 gallon tank.
I just lost my PJ of five years. But I still have my tomato clown from the same era, and he is going strong. The PJ was a good 2 inches wide, the clown is also about 2.5 inches.
I have a sailfin tang I believe I purchased in 1995 or 1996 that has survived 2 moves to other states each lasting about 36 hours. It also survived an ice storm without power and tank temps into the 50's for 4 days. Its now probably 8 inches in length. Its so friendly it will let you "pet" it.
I have had my percula clown for almost 6 years. Bought her when she was a baby maybe a half inch or so. She is now nearly 3 inches. She is currently keeping my quarantine tank biological filter running.

She is a little aggressive so i will move her back to the main display when I get a larger tank.
my oldest is my Hippo Tang he, I have had him since 1995, he has been in a 220, 75, and a 180 that he is in now. He has been fine with every move. Grat fish!!
Tomato clown = 8 years
Bicolor damsel = 8 years
Yellow tang = 6 years
Clark's clown = 5 years
Chromis and pseudochromis = 1 year
Emperor Angel: Since '96 (10yrs). originally a 2" juv
Purple Tang: since '96 (10yrs)
Female True perc since '95 (11yrs)
Male true perc passed 6mos ago obtained same time as Fem as mated pair: (11yrs)
M.Idol ('97 to '04): 7yrs (died after being puntured by verm.snail)
African flameback pyg.angel: since '00: 6yrs
Fiji spotted puffer: since '00: 6yrs
fish:yellow tail damsel
length: about 1" when purchased in 2000 now is almost 2"
how many different tanks: this is the third tank it has been in it was origionally a cycling fish
notes: even though it is my longest lived fish I despise it he torments any new fish I try to add to my tank until I finally caught it and placed it in my sump where it will live out the rest of it's days.
Jaffo_botz: Very impressive, over 10 years! Though the most impressive is that M. Idol for 7yrs and the death wasn't even your fault!
I had a fish that died this week. He was a 14 year old Engineer goby. He started out (with 2 other Engineer Gobies) with my son in 1992 and was given to me (my first saltwater and I knew nothing at all then) in 1994 and lived in a 55. I lost one of them. When I moved in 2001, I gave them back to my son. He survived a really bad infestation of Ich that killed his partner. I got him back from my son in April 2005 and had him in a 29 gallon. I moved him to my 75 late 2005. I found him a couple of days ago. He was quite a character.
Maroon Clown had a little over a year and a half he has been through a LOT, as I'm skimmerless until recently and the learning curve has been steep!!

1.5 years
1" to 1.5"
always in a 29 gallon, but 3 moves.
Chevron Tang--8+ years. About 7"
Purple Tang--7++ years. 5"
Striated Bristletooth--7+ years. 4"
Sohal Tang ('Attilla')--7 years. About 12"
Evil Australian Psudochromis--6 years. 3-4"

I also have a few Bartlett's Anthias and Green Chromis that are at least 4 years old.

Never moved.
I had a snowflake moray eel I bought when my wife and I first started dating. He was the size of a pencil. He lived for 17 years and 3 kids. He just died last year, so now I have a reef tank. He was about 20" when he died.