One Fish, Two Fish, Eat Fish…No Fish

All you guys who think that humans are omnivores or carnivores are all morons. It is quite obvious that we evolved out sharp canine teeth not to tear meat, but to suck the slippery, juicy blood out of cabbage during the night, which is when we are strongest. We veggie-vampirivors, and another thing, our brains are not large for problem solving and hunting, but rather to help us seduce and lull oranges into a false sense of security so that we can drink their sweet, pulpy, juicy blood! mwah ha ha ha!

Ya, I need some sleep.....

hey, don't fish eat other fish! you should tell them about this new no eating fish idea! that'll help out alot!
Just watched Dirty Jobs last night and one of the jobs was grading fish to sell to market, only the fish were raised in a sewage treatment plant and 1/3 of their diet is poo. I am seriously never eating farmed fish again.
I have more than one friend who own commercial fishing vessels and based on what I have seen, I would prefer the wild to the farmed for sure. The one thing that I find interesting is all those signs at the grocery store that say "Fresh Fish" when most of it is flash frozen at sea.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10476800#post10476800 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fishdude1984
ha ha ya... It that when the meter is supposed to hit us, or was that the end of the Mayan calendar?

Both, as well as the year we start a cycle of a real heavy solar flare up unlike any man has seen since stringing wires around the planet. Should be interesting to say the least :D