optical level sensor

Float valves can get stuck and require a watchfull eye.
I have already had to free up salt creep off my float switch.
It was caught by the controller and stut itself off, But top off water was not getting added.
An optical switch can act as a safety back in the event of missed maintenance.

You can also use it for possible leakage detection.

On the whole optical sensors are more the way to go due to little maintenance required. No matter what make of float switch you purchase they ALL need regular care.
I tried to install the optical level sensor today. I received a splitter cable (mouse/keyboard) to go along with it. It doesn't register water.

I tried diagnostic and I get a "-" whether it's in the water, touching the water or out of the water. I tried it with the splitter, either side of the splitter and by itself into the controller.

What do do??? Is it defective? Is there a way to test it?

Thanks: George
what do you mean by (mouse keyboard)??

Have you tried it just plugged directly into the proFilux?

Which port are you plugged into our of the two din sockets? Top or Bottom?
The splitter is a mouse/keyboard splitter cable, pink/green. Just an observation - LOL.

I've tried to plug it directly into the TOP Level outlet. It doesn't register. As well as I've tried it in either side of the splitter cable.

The manual level device works fine on either side of the splitter and in the Profilux unit itself. It semms as though it's defective.

It's supposed to be translucent, correct, not clear?

Thanks, Mike. Let me know what I can do to test it or send it in.

When a user has a problem and I divert them for email support instead of threads back and forth here. i will always follow this up irrelevant of the outcome back on here so everyone can see the final solution.

In this case the sensor was set to the wrong mode, (easily done) the setting was set to min max control not auto top off.

Min max is used with two sensors for the control of storage vessels etc etc, this is covered in the manual.

So in this case changing the setting to Auto top up from min max, naturally cured the problem.

Remember - Optical sensors have to be in contact with water to work NOT via refraction like Tunze etc, this does not involve fiddling with heights so much.
Now help me set up the 2 level sensors

Now help me set up the 2 level sensors

Everything is working, both sensors.
I've got the manual on the bottom and the optical on the top. I'm usingit for top off. I don't follow the time limit function. I read the manual, but the software lists only one time for each probe.

Right now I have the manual probe controlling the top off. I'd like the optical probe to be my backup, so it the manual probe fails, I've got the optical probe to control the topoff, as well as the time limit.

An example would be great.

Thanks for the help: George
As far as I am aware this cant be done as you would be asking a plug socket to be controlled by two inputs.

I will get clarification though

Over to you Matthias!
Yes - this is not possible at the moment. What you need is a logical "AND-function".
But as I announced some days ago: We are working on the customizable logical functions - the customer will be able to create own functions. Please give us some more time.
I can wait.

Matthais, when I put the optical sensor into or touch the water, there is a checkmark on the Profilux Controll Screen, however, the Controller view does not show a X. Why is this?
In other words, the software shows the probe, the actual Profilux controller does not. What am I missing?
Thanks: George