Optical/Mechanical float sensors


Premium Member
I have had my Profilux system since last May without any problems. Recently however, my optical float sensor had started to give me problems. It became very unreliable with its determination of the water level in my sump. I had cleaned the sensor, placed it in different areas of my sump, even made an acrylic cylinder to isolate it from any water movement. All of these measures still did not resolve the erratic operation. With my work schedule, I need a solution fairly quickly. I ordered a mechanical sensor which has worked flawlessly up until a few days ago. The new sensor is acting similarly to the optical now. When installing the new sensor, I made no changes to the software. I have since changed the delay from 10s to 0s. In my case the controller will show the " - " symbol when float is down, and needs to turn the pump on. I can remove the float, hold it in the up position with still no change to the " x" display. I have manually added water to the sump, had the float all the way up, with "-" on the display. Once again, the optical worked flawlessly for about 5 months. The mechanical for about two weeks, and nothing in my system has changed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Please post the solution when you figure it out so we all can know.

I was going to order an Optical sensor but Todd is all sold out :(
To clarify, at this time I am only using the mechanical float sensor.

Due to placement, we believe the mechanical sensor is being affected by the magnetic field from the pumps in the sump. I will have to try and shield the sensor from the field. Unfortunately there is not a lot of real estate in the sump.

The original optical sensor has been sent back for evaluation.

I would like to Thank AQD_ottawa for the immediate attention to this situation.

A+ for customer service
Beat me to it ;)

As above - The issue was that the sensor was close to a pump in a small sump creating a magnetic field playing havoc with the sensors.

Keep sensors away from pumps and such like and all should be fine