ORA Green Planet Brown-out or Just Burgundy Accents


New member
Hey Yall,

Just picked up this ORA Green Planet Frag last saturday and its looking like its doing okay with great PE. Its hard to really tell yet, but I think its becoming more purplish/ burgundy and not sure if this could be the start of a brownout. It was on the sand bed, 24" from 6x39w T5s (new geissman: 3 actinic, 1 superactinic, and 2 coral blue?name?) just moved it up to a high flow spot 16" from the lights and will keep it there for a week or so.

The first photo was taken Saturday, The second was taken today (Tuesday)

Params as of Saturday
NH3 0 NO2 0 NO3 undectable PO4 0 - .25 Ca 420 KH. 10 MG. 1350 SG. 1.025

Does anyone else have this coral? What is your coloration like?



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hi there! i would put this coral horizontal coming out of your rockwork, your piece already looks like its ready to table out, which is a great feature of this coral. i think once you get your frag up and off your sandbed and closer to the lighting i think youll see both rich greens and bright yellows come out of this coral. and then it will take off! very fast growing coral in high flow in my experience. youll love it!
Thank you for the advice and help. Unfortunately I added a purple stylo today that had some bleached spots yesterday afternoon. Im assuming it was RTN because i have lost over half of this green planet in the last 8 hours :( threw the stylo away and did a 10 min coralrx dip about an hour ago on the acro
that seems weird that you would lose that coral and the stylophora.

what fish do you have in your tank?
I have it and its a stunner. Blasting it with 600 par of MH and it would take a lot more. Seems to be sensitive to high alk. Had no PE at 8.5dkh, a little at 8dkh and is supper fuzzy at 7.6dkh
Sps- my alk is between 8 & 9 according to my api kit.

Ron- i have a flashing tilefish, a kole tang, and 2 fire dartfish