Ordering a tank


New member
Has anyone ever been able to special order a marineland tank? I'm looking for their 30 gallon as a sump

10300 30 gal (36" x 13" x 16")

Every place I call or visit says they can't order. Petco or PetSmart say they only order the 29g

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The chains don't special order but a local store should be able to
One tried to push my to a trigger system of similar size. I'm going to try another tomorrow. I'm pretty far from all the fish stores where I am so was hoping a chain would have it

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My local large chain store will special order if you know the right person to ask. One of the employees is on all our local facebook groups and they'll help facilitate special orders.
Got a quote of $85 for a 30g. I think I'll stick with my 20g sump for now

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My sump wasn't cutting it so I ended up buying a new 20g and doing it a bit more efficiently.

I just hated my hang on sock holder so I made something similar to what's available from a premade sump. It was a lot of work but for around $100 I think it came out pretty decent.

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