Ordering SALT - (almost) free shipping!

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In Memoriam
I'm organizing a large purchase of salt from Dr. Foster & Smith ...

If you want to pick up some salt - post it over on the SWFMAS site - shipping will be between $1 - $2 / bucket..... salt will be @ between $29 (IO) & $31 (RC) ...


So far we have 9 buckets ... i'll be placing the order tomorrow. The total shipping charges will be divided by the amount of buckets/bags equally.
Its not deleted because I'm sure Fosters and Smith pours lots of money into the pockets of the "RC STAFF" who then turn around and "bend" the rules to pad their pockets. All I see with this is a bunch of political nonsense... its one thing to get banned from a site for using bad language or demeaning another person but to get banned for raising awareness of the hobby in your local area to better serve RC members is beyond me... but hey whatever pays the bills should be the motto here.
I believe this is acurate.

I "REPORTED" the post that was edited & locked - the one about LFS deliveries, and i asked for an explanation.

here is what i got in return:

I got your post report below, but I'm not sure exactly what you're asking.
I think Beerguy spelled it out quite clearly when he edited your post, and closed the thread. I don't know what I could tell you that he didn't. We don't allow commercial posting here. Any attempt to drive commerce is considered a commercial post. You attempted to drive commerce, and your post was edited, and your thread closed.
Any further questions, I'll do my best to answer you
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9557881#post9557881 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
I believe this is acurate.

I "REPORTED" the post that was edited & locked - the one about LFS deliveries, and i asked for an explanation.

Here's what you sent me Marco;

wiszmaster ( mailto:marco@swfl-hosting.com ) has reported this post:


This is part of this thread:
LFS New Arrivals & Deliveries

This is the reason that the user gave:
I'm wondering how it is that MODS can get away with violations of the "terms and conditions of use" on this site.

For Instance:

beerguy (http://reefcentral.com/forums/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=12367)

His avatar CLEARLY violates the below states terms & conditions of set forward by RC with is Avatar.

3. AVATARS, SIGNATURES, TITLES AND PROFILES: All terms and conditions of this User Agreement apply to these areas as well. An avatar or signature may not contain commercial names, graphics, logos or URLs.

looking back at the following for guidelines:

1.POSTING: You agree not to post, transmit or link to any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including, but not limited to, any material which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, violate the rights of others, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law.

Keeping in mind his username is "beerguy" - his avatar depicts a person driving / sitting in a vehicle (Honda S2000), holding a beverage out of the window.

If this avatar is not "objectionable material" that could "encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense" - then please do correct me.

Driving under the Influence
Driving w/ Open Container

I was under the impression that ReefCentral was a family friendly website - however actions that could be implied by the avatar in question brings great harm to families.

I'm sure you don't have to be a surviving family member of a DUI caused Automobile Accident in order to understand.

I would like to request for this thread to remain serious, and to be handled in a professional matter - and not be brought off subject by mods to distract from the topic. (As seems to be almost common practice when questions are raised about MODS/TeamRC)

Thank You,

marco (wiszmaster)

Since you chose to take this conversation public, I'll oblige........
Beerguy's avatar is Curious George (cartoon monkey) drinking a grape soda :rolleye1:

Anything else I can clear up for you, Marco?
hey "DgenR8" ... the post was in response to the locked LFS Deliveries report .... have you had one too many of your budds grape sodas? ;-)
dayum! i always knew i was blind! ;-)

it's alright - i'm sure there is another smart answer & excuse/reason for the difference in bottles.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9552392#post9552392 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keinreis
Yea this one will not last long on RC! I am shocked it is not deleted already

Why would it be deleted? We have always allowed group buys as long as the person arranging the group buy doesn't have a commercial interest in the venture.
Marco, I am confused why it matters. Both bottles are so blurred it is impossible to tell what either one contains. You really need to find something else to fill your time. This is silly.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9554882#post9554882 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
Its not deleted because I'm sure Fosters and Smith pours lots of money into the pockets of the "RC STAFF" who then turn around and "bend" the rules to pad their pockets.

And this is offensive. No rules have been "bent." Group buys are routinely allowed in the club forums, as long as the organizer doesn't have a financial (or commercial) interest in the vendor.

None of sponsors "buy" any members of the Staff, and there is no "padding" going on.

How about if I go around posting that your morals and ethics could be bought?

I'll finish with this - we don't allow people to pick fights and make inflammatory posts about other members. I won't allow you to do it about the Staff either. Another post like that and you will lose your posting privileges.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9562531#post9562531 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keinreis
can we lock this, and get back to talking about our tanks filled with water?

Interesting that you would make this comment after the insulting accusation you posted above.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9562545#post9562545 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BrianD
Interesting that you would make this comment after the insulting accusation you posted above.

insulting accusations? do you have me confused? wasn't it you that said "we don't allow people to pick fights and make inflammatory posts about other members" please see below as I will repeat all things I posted in this thread, and after you read I will gladly accept your public apology! don't take out your anger on me as I have done nothing.

here are my posts in order

1. Yea this one will not last long on RC! I am shocked it is not deleted already

2. I totally forgot that DRs F&S were RC sponsors... explains the reason it is still here

3. LOL and you broke sacred RC rule #2 never post PM's

4. lol

5. can we lock this, and get back to talking about our tanks filled with water?

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since ths thread is no longer about the salt group buy anyway .. i might as well ...

I'm going to pretend i'm a member of RC Mod or RC Staff ...

Look everyone .. its a cat! i'm wearing socks. its a bottle of grape juice.

<thinking> maybe i should post more dumb comments..how else could i possibly derail a thread & try to make everyone reading this forget what this thread is about ... .. what thread? whats this about anyway? </thinking>
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