Orion Fan Order Post here ASAP


Premium Member
1st I'd like to thank Jeremy for trying to work this out, Orion doesn't have any break point unless he orders like a thousand fans. So rather then have Jeremy go thru the hassle lets get this done.

The ones I'm looking at: 5" fans List price are $24.50 on these
Cost will be $21.28 plus shipping

OA119AP 11-1 130cfm 29db 3000 rpm 400 in stock
OA119AP 11-2 95 cfm 22db 2300 rpm 50 in stock
OA119AP 11-3 74cfm 18db 1400 rpm 200 in stock

once stock is depleted its 6-8 weeks before they re-order


To compare: Radio Shack fan is more - $25, 4" 65cfm & 38db

Anyone who wants please post here as CONFIRMATION.

It takes 5 days via ground to ship, less time if we ship 3 day - we'll see how many people jump in & what shipping will be.

I'd like to place an order by the end of Friday. Anyone who needs one after that we can then place a 2nd order. If you order the 2nd fan - just in case they run out, please list a 2nd CHOICE - either another fan or wait (6-8 wks) or cancel

Payment can be made on PU - cash - check, or in advance by check or Paypal. Once we know shipping cost.

I most likely will order (2) 11-1 & (2) 11-2's

Thanx again Jeremy
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count me in for

(2) 11-2's

(2) 11-1's

just for anyone interested in wattage:

OA119AP 11-1 130cfm 29db 3000 rpm 12 watts
OA119AP 11-2 95 cfm 22db 2300 rpm 9 watts
OA119AP 11-3 74cfm 18db 1400 rpm 5 watts

Radio Shack fan is more - $25, 4" 65cfm & 38db 22 watts
You can include me for:
(2) 11-1's
(2) 11-2's (I will take 3's if they run out of 2's)

I would like to place this order at noon Tomorrow, Friday 18th
at that time I will post final cost w/shipping


Dave (2)....11-1.............(2)....11-2

ReefLite .............................(4)....11-2............11-3 if out of 11-2

Scott (2)....11-1.............(2)....11-2 Scott if out of 11-2 what??

Seasno (2)....11-1.............(2)....11-2............11-3 if out of 11-2

TOTAL (6)....11-1's (10)....11-2's

just for anyone interested in wattage:

OA119AP 11-1 130cfm 29db 3000 rpm 12 watts
OA119AP 11-2 95 cfm 22db 2300 rpm 9 watts
OA119AP 11-3 74cfm 18db 1400 rpm 5 watts

Radio Shack fan is more - $25, 4" 65cfm & 38db 22 watts
No marco, the prices he's showing are as good as I can get.. there is no wholesale on these fans.

The Sunon fan I have here is about the same DB as the icecap, but it's probably a 12 dollar fan. The icecaps going for what they do is a complete joke. You can get a fan with the icecap specs for 12 or 13 bux in any catalog. I think the temp speed control is lame too.. mine are always on the top speed setting.
I agree on the ice cap.
I bought one a year or so back and I'm ready to toss it. It's LOUD, I wish mine would stay on high, but instead it revs up then drops off ...all day long. Makes me wanna throw a shoe at it!

But instead I'll just e-bay it :p

Jeremy are you saying you can get the orions? (I'm real interested in that nice low db)

No, what I'm saying is I could get them, but it would cost me the same price it is costing you guys in this thread.. so if I were to apply *any* markup to it, then it becomes a very expensive fan.

I think Dave said he was placing the order at noon tomorrow (Friday) if you want to get in on it?
Thanks seasno I see that,

Dave can we order the fishy guards also pn #G119-8 ?

Count me in for 2 of the OA119AP-11-1
And two guards (if available)

Thanks guys
I'll call about guards & post tomorrow for anyone interested if available.

Fans are Terminal connection
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Hey Dave,
Sorry to be a PITA !
Make mine 2 guards each (1 fish, 1 fingers)

so ... 2 of the OA119AP-11-1
and 4 0f the G119-8


I won't be able to check in until tonight, so if you are ordering guards also, I will take 4 to go with my four fans.



Hey Dave,

Please put me down for:

(2) OA119AP 11-1 130cfm 29db 3000 rpm 400 in stock

I would also like (2) Fan guards if you also order those.

Thank you for your efforts on this order

I will call at lunch time to inquire about guards & to place order at the same time. Going to lunch at about 12:30, anyone wishing to add on to order has until then.
Dave..... (2)....11-1.............(2)....11-2

ReefLite .............................(4)....11-2............11-3 if out of 11-2

Scott .....(2)....11-1.............(2)....11-2 Scott if out of 11-2 what??

Seasno ..(2)....11-1.............(2)....11-2............11-3 if out of 11-2



TOTAL (10)....11-1's .............(10)....11-2's

5" Fan Guards: if available #G119-8
Dave....... (4)
Reef Lite....(2)

TOTAL 16 guards

just for anyone interested in wattage:
OA119AP 11-1 130cfm 29db 3000 rpm 12 watts
OA119AP 11-2 95 cfm 22db 2300 rpm 9 watts
OA119AP 11-3 74cfm 18db 1400 rpm 5 watts

Radio Shack fan is more - $25, 4" 65cfm & 38db 22 watts

I'm calling in about 10 minutes to place order

LOL They are all at lunch, I'll have to call about 1:30p
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We had been talking via email but I hadn't received a reply to my last couple of emails. I was interested in 2 of the OA119AP 11-1 130cfm 29db 3000 rpm 12 watts and four fan guards for the two fans. It is my understanding that these are 5 inch fans, is that correct? Hope I am not too late.

